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Artifacts and models in MLflow

This article explains MLflow artifacts and MLflow models, and how MLflow models differ from other artifacts. The article also explains how Azure Machine Learning uses the characteristics of an MLflow model to enable streamlined deployment workflows.

Artifacts and models

In MLflow, there are some fundamental differences between logging simple file artifacts and logging MLflow models.


An artifact is any file generated and captured from an experiment's run or job. An artifact could be a model serialized as a pickle file, the weights of a PyTorch or TensorFlow model, or a text file containing the coefficients of a linear regression. Some artifacts have nothing to do with the model itself but contain run configurations, preprocessing information, or sample data. Artifacts can have various formats.

The following example logs a file artifact.

filename = 'model.pkl'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
  pickle.dump(model, f)



An MLflow model is an artifact for which you make stronger assumptions that provide a clear contract between the saved files and what they mean. If, however, you log your model's files simply as artifacts, you need to know what each of the files mean and how to load them for inference.

You can log MLflow models by using the MLflow SDK, for example:

import mlflow
mlflow.sklearn.log_model(sklearn_estimator, "classifier")

Logging MLflow models in Azure Machine Learning has the following advantages:

  • You can deploy MLflow models to real-time or batch endpoints without providing a scoring script or an environment.
  • When you deploy MLflow models, the deployments automatically generate a swagger file, so you can use the Test feature in Azure Machine Learning studio.
  • You can use MLflow models directly as pipeline inputs.
  • You can use the Responsible AI dashboard with MLflow models.

The MLmodel format

For models logged as simple artifact files, you need to know what the model builder intended for each file before you can load the model for inference. But for MLflow models, you load the model by using the MLmodel format to specify the contract between the artifacts and what they represent.

The MLmodel format stores assets in a folder that has no specific naming requirement. Among the assets is a file named MLmodel that's the single source of truth for how to load and use the model.

The following image shows an MLflow model folder called credit_defaults_model in Azure Machine Learning studio. The folder contains the MLmodel file and other model artifacts.

A screenshot showing assets of a sample MLflow model, including the MLmodel file.

The following example shows an MLmodel file for a computer vision model trained with fastai:

artifact_path: classifier
    data: model.fastai
    fastai_version: 2.4.1
    data: model.fastai
    env: conda.yaml
    loader_module: mlflow.fastai
    python_version: 3.8.12
model_uuid: e694c68eba484299976b06ab9058f636
run_id: e13da8ac-b1e6-45d4-a9b2-6a0a5cfac537
  inputs: '[{"type": "tensor",
                 {"dtype": "uint8", "shape": [-1, 300, 300, 3]}
  outputs: '[{"type": "tensor", 
                 {"dtype": "float32", "shape": [-1,2]}

Model flavors

Considering the large number of machine learning frameworks available, MLflow introduced the concept of flavor as a way to provide a unique contract for all machine learning frameworks. A flavor indicates what to expect for a given model created with a specific framework. For instance, TensorFlow has its own flavor, which specifies how to persist and load a TensorFlow model.

Because each model flavor indicates how to persist and load the model for a given framework, the MLmodel format doesn't enforce a single serialization mechanism that all models must support. Therefore, each flavor can use the methods that provide the best performance or best support according to their best practices, without compromising compatibility with the MLmodel standard.

The following example shows the flavors section for an fastai model.

    data: model.fastai
    fastai_version: 2.4.1
    data: model.fastai
    env: conda.yaml
    loader_module: mlflow.fastai
    python_version: 3.8.12

Model signature

An MLflow model signature is an important part of the model specification, because it serves as a data contract between the model and the server running the model. A model signature is also important for parsing and enforcing a model's input types at deployment time. If a signature is available, MLflow enforces the input types when data is submitted to your model. For more information, see MLflow signature enforcement.

Signatures are indicated at the time that models are logged, and are persisted in the signature section of the MLmodel file. The Autolog feature in MLflow automatically makes a best effort to infer signatures. However, you can log models manually if the inferred signatures aren't the ones you need. For more information, see How to log models with signatures.

There are two types of signatures:

  • Column-based signatures operate on tabular data. For models with this type of signature, MLflow supplies pandas.DataFrame objects as inputs.
  • Tensor-based signatures operate with n-dimensional arrays or tensors. For models with this signature, MLflow supplies numpy.ndarray as inputs, or a dictionary of numpy.ndarray for named tensors.

The following example shows the signature section for a computer vision model trained with fastai. This model receives a batch of images represented as tensors of shape (300, 300, 3) with their RGB representation as unsigned integers. The model outputs batches of predictions as probabilities for two classes.

  inputs: '[{"type": "tensor",
                 {"dtype": "uint8", "shape": [-1, 300, 300, 3]}
  outputs: '[{"type": "tensor", 
                 {"dtype": "float32", "shape": [-1,2]}


Azure Machine Learning generates a swagger file for a deployment of an MLflow model that has an available signature. This file makes it easier to test deployments using Azure Machine Learning studio.

Model environment

Requirements for the model to run are specified in the conda.yaml file. MLflow can automatically detect dependencies, or you can manually indicate them by calling the mlflow.<flavor>.log_model() method. Calling the method can be useful if the libraries that MLflow included in your environment aren't the ones you intended to use.

The following conda.yaml example shows an environment for a model created with the fastai framework:

- conda-forge
- python=3.8.5
- pip
- pip:
  - mlflow
  - astunparse==1.6.3
  - cffi==1.15.0
  - configparser==3.7.4
  - defusedxml==0.7.1
  - fastai==2.4.1
  - google-api-core==2.7.1
  - ipython==8.2.0
  - psutil==5.9.0
name: mlflow-env


An MLflow environment operates at the level of the model, but an Azure Machine Learning environment operates at the workspace level for registered environments or the jobs/deployments level for anonymous environments. When you deploy MLflow models, Azure Machine Learning builds the model environment and uses it for deployment. You can use the Azure Machine Learning CLI to override this behavior and deploy MLflow models to a specific Azure Machine Learning environment.

Predict function

All MLflow models contain a predict function, which is called when the model is deployed by using a no-code deployment. What the predict function returns, for example classes, probabilities, or a forecast, depends on the framework or flavor used for training. The documentation of each flavor describes what it returns.

You can customize the predict function to change the way inference is executed. You can either log models with a different behavior, or log a custom model flavor.

Workflows for loading MLflow models

You can load MLflow models from the following locations:

  • Directly from the run where the models were logged
  • From the file system where the models are saved
  • From the model registry where the models are registered

MLflow provides a consistent way to load these models regardless of location.

There are two workflows for loading models:

  • Load back the same object and types that were logged. You can load models using the MLflow SDK and obtain an instance of the model with types belonging to the training library. For example, an Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) model returns a ModelProto, while a decision tree model trained with scikit-learn returns a DecisionTreeClassifier object. Use mlflow.<flavor>.load_model() to load back the same model object and types that were logged.

  • Load back a model for running inference. You can load models using the MLflow SDK and get a wrapper that has a guaranteed predict function. It doesn't matter which flavor you use, because every MLflow model has a predict function.

    MLflow guarantees that you can call this function by using arguments of type pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray, or dict[string, numpyndarray], depending on the model signature. MLflow handles the type conversion to the input type that the model expects. Use mlflow.pyfunc.load_model() to load back a model for running inference.