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Enum ColorMaterialFeatures

Flags specific to the ColorMaterial.

enum class Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::ColorMaterialFeatures : int32_t


Name Value Description Remarks
ColorMaterialFeatures::None 0
ColorMaterialFeatures::UseVertexColor 1 Use the vertex color (if provided by the mesh).
ColorMaterialFeatures::DoubleSided 2 The material is rendered double-sided. Otherwise back-faces may be culled, depending on the selected SingleSidedMode.
ColorMaterialFeatures::FadeToBlack 4 If enabled, this material fades to black as opposed to fading to transparent when using ColorMaterial.FadeOut. Fading to black has the same effect on see-through devices like HoloLens but has significantly lower rendering cost.
ColorMaterialFeatures::AlphaClipped 8 Enables hard cut-outs on a per-pixel basis based on the alpha value being below ColorMaterial.AlphaClipThreshold. This works for opaque materials as well.
ColorMaterialFeatures::TransparencyWritesDepth 16 Toggles transparency depth writes. Objects rendered transparently do not contribute to the depth buffer as a default. Set this to true if objects associated with this material should write depth. Enabling this on transparent materials can improve the re-projection behavior of transparent objects, and hologram stability by consequence. See the respective LSR documentation for details.
ColorMaterialFeatures::FresnelEffect 32 If enabled this material will have a Fresnel effect additively added to the rendering of the base material. Use the FresnelEffectExponent and FresnelEffectColor to control the effect visuals.

See also