Partager via

Curve.From Propriété


Point de départ de courbe

Représente l’attribut suivant dans le schéma : from

[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(0, "from")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue From { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue From { get; set; }
[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(0, "from")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue? From { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue? From { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue? From { get; set; }
member this.From : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue with get, set
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(0, "from")>]
member this.From : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue with get, set
member this.From : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.StringValue with get, set
Public Property From As StringValue

Valeur de propriété

Retourne StringValue.


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