PrintPropertyDictionary.SetProperty(String, PrintProperty) Méthode


Affecte à l'attribut spécifié la valeur d'un objet d'une classe dérivée de PrintProperty.

 void SetProperty(System::String ^ attribName, System::Printing::IndexedProperties::PrintProperty ^ attribValue);
public void SetProperty (string attribName, System.Printing.IndexedProperties.PrintProperty attribValue);
member this.SetProperty : string * System.Printing.IndexedProperties.PrintProperty -> unit
Public Sub SetProperty (attribName As String, attribValue As PrintProperty)



Nom de l'attribut.


Objet d'un type dérivé de PrintProperty.


attribName est déjà dans le dictionnaire et a déjà la valeur attribValue.


L’exemple suivant montre comment utiliser cette méthode pour installer une deuxième imprimante qui diffère par ses propriétés d’une imprimante existante uniquement à l’emplacement, au port et à l’état partagé.

LocalPrintServer myLocalPrintServer = new LocalPrintServer(PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer);
PrintQueue sourcePrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue;
PrintPropertyDictionary myPrintProperties = sourcePrintQueue.PropertiesCollection;

// Share the new printer using Remove/Add methods
PrintBooleanProperty shared = new PrintBooleanProperty("IsShared", true);
myPrintProperties.Add("IsShared", shared);

// Give the new printer its share name using SetProperty method
PrintStringProperty theShareName = new PrintStringProperty("ShareName", "\"Son of " + sourcePrintQueue.Name +"\"");
myPrintProperties.SetProperty("ShareName", theShareName);

// Specify the physical location of the new printer using Remove/Add methods
PrintStringProperty theLocation = new PrintStringProperty("Location", "the supply room");
myPrintProperties.Add("Location", theLocation);

// Specify the port for the new printer
String[] port = new String[] { "COM1:" };

// Install the new printer on the local print server
PrintQueue clonedPrinter = myLocalPrintServer.InstallPrintQueue("My clone of " + sourcePrintQueue.Name, "Xerox WCP 35 PS", port, "WinPrint", myPrintProperties);

// Report outcome
Console.WriteLine("{0} in {1} has been installed and shared as {2}", clonedPrinter.Name, clonedPrinter.Location, clonedPrinter.ShareName);
Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue ...");
Dim myLocalPrintServer As New LocalPrintServer(PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer)
Dim sourcePrintQueue As PrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue
Dim myPrintProperties As PrintPropertyDictionary = sourcePrintQueue.PropertiesCollection

' Share the new printer using Remove/Add methods
Dim [shared] As New PrintBooleanProperty("IsShared", True)
myPrintProperties.Add("IsShared", [shared])

' Give the new printer its share name using SetProperty method
Dim theShareName As New PrintStringProperty("ShareName", """Son of " & sourcePrintQueue.Name & """")
myPrintProperties.SetProperty("ShareName", theShareName)

' Specify the physical location of the new printer using Remove/Add methods
Dim theLocation As New PrintStringProperty("Location", "the supply room")
myPrintProperties.Add("Location", theLocation)

' Specify the port for the new printer
Dim port() As String = { "COM1:" }

' Install the new printer on the local print server
Dim clonedPrinter As PrintQueue = myLocalPrintServer.InstallPrintQueue("My clone of " & sourcePrintQueue.Name, "Xerox WCP 35 PS", port, "WinPrint", myPrintProperties)

' Report outcome
Console.WriteLine("{0} in {1} has been installed and shared as {2}", clonedPrinter.Name, clonedPrinter.Location, clonedPrinter.ShareName)
Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue ...")


Si le dictionnaire ne contient attribNamepas déjà , attribName est ajouté et défini sur attribValue, à condition que attribName soit identique à attribValue. Nom. Si ces valeurs ne sont pas identiques, cette méthode ne fait rien.

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