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UIApplicationDelegate_Extensions Class


Extension methods to the IUIApplicationDelegate interface to support all the methods from the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.

public static class UIApplicationDelegate_Extensions
type UIApplicationDelegate_Extensions = class


The extension methods for IUIApplicationDelegate allow developers to treat instances of the interface as having all the optional methods of the original UIApplicationDelegate protocol. Since the interface only contains the required members, these extension methods allow developers to call the optional members of the protocol.



Performs the most important action of the app. Often, this is toggling the most important state of the app.

ApplicationSignificantTimeChange(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Indicates a significant change in time, such as midnight, change to Daylight Savings, or a shift in timezone.

ChangedStatusBarFrame(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, CGRect)

Indicates that the frame of the status bar has changed.

ContinueUserActivity(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSUserActivity, UIApplicationRestorationHandler)

Informs the app that there is data associated with continuing a task specified as a NSUserActivity object, and then returns whether the app continued the activity.

DidChangeStatusBarOrientation(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UIInterfaceOrientation)

Indicates that the orientation of the status bar has changed.

DidDecodeRestorableState(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSCoder)

Indicates that the app should restore highest-level state.

DidEnterBackground(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Indicates that the application has entered the background.

DidFailToContinueUserActivitiy(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, NSError)

Informs the app that the activity of the userActivityType type could not be continued, and specifies a error as the reason for the failure.

DidReceiveRemoteNotification(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSDictionary, Action<UIBackgroundFetchResult>)

Indicates that the app received a remote notification.

DidRegisterUserNotificationSettings(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UIUserNotificationSettings)

Developers should not use this deprecated method. Developers should use 'UNUserNotificationCenter.RequestAuthorization' instead.

FailedToRegisterForRemoteNotifications(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSError)

Indicates that Apple Push Service did not successfully compete the registration process.

FinishedLaunching(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

The application has finished launching.

FinishedLaunching(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSDictionary)

Indicates that launching has finished and the app will shortly begin running.

GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UIWindow)

The interface orientations supported by the app.

GetViewController(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String[], NSCoder)

Retrieves the UIViewController identified by the last value in the restorationIdentifierComponents parameter.

HandleAction(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, NSDictionary, Action)

Informs the app of a custom action to perform based on a push notification, and includes the actionIdentifier value, remoteNoticationInfo data from the notification, and completionHandler for the app developer to run after performing the action.

HandleAction(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, NSDictionary, NSDictionary, Action)

Informs the app of a custom action to perform based on a remote notification, and includes the actionIdentifier value, remoteNoticationInfo data from the notification, and completionHandler for the app developer to run after performing the action.

HandleAction(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, UILocalNotification, Action)

Informs the app that the user selected an action identified by the actionIdentifier value from an alert of a UILocalNotification object, and executes the completionHandler block after it completes the action.

HandleAction(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, UILocalNotification, NSDictionary, Action)

Informs the app of a custom action to perform based on a local notification, and includes the actionIdentifier value, responseInfo data from the notification, and completionHandler for the app developer to run after performing the action.

HandleEventsForBackgroundUrl(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String, Action)

Raised when events relating to a background T:UIKit.NSUrlSession are waiting to be processed.

HandleIntent(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, INIntent, Action<INIntentResponse>)

The system is requesting that the application handle the specified intent.

HandleOpenURL(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSUrl)

Developers should use M:UIKit.UIApplicationDelegate.OpenUrl* rather than this deprecated method.

HandleWatchKitExtensionRequest(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSDictionary, Action<NSDictionary>)

A watchkit extension has made a request.

OnActivated(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

The app has moved from the inactive to actie state.

OnResignActivation(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

The app is about to move from the active state to the inactive state.

OpenUrl(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSUrl, NSDictionary)

Indicates that the application should open the specified url with context from options.

OpenUrl(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSUrl, String, NSObject)

Loads a resource from the specified URL.

PerformActionForShortcutItem(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UIApplicationShortcutItem, UIOperationHandler)

Called by the system when the user initiates a Home screen quick action, unless the interaction was handled in WillFinishLaunching(UIApplication, NSDictionary) or M:UIKit.UIApplicationDelegate.DidFinishLaunching*.

PerformFetch(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, Action<UIBackgroundFetchResult>)

Indicates that the application can begin a fetch operation if it has data to download.

ProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Protected files are now available.

ProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Indicates that protected files are about to be encrypted and unavailable for reading.

ReceivedLocalNotification(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UILocalNotification)

Indicates that the app received a local notification.

ReceivedRemoteNotification(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSDictionary)

Indicates that the app received a remote notification.

ReceiveMemoryWarning(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

The app has received a low-memory warning from the system.

RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSData)

Indicates that the device successfully registered with Apple Push Service.

SetWindow(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIWindow)
ShouldAllowExtensionPointIdentifier(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSString)

Requests permission from the app to run app extensions based on the extension point identified by extensionPointIdentifier.

ShouldRequestHealthAuthorization(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

The system calls this method when the developer's app should ask the user for access to HealthKit data.

ShouldRestoreApplicationState(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSCoder)

Whether the application should restore saved state information.

ShouldSaveApplicationState(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSCoder)

Whether the application should save application state information.

UserActivityUpdated(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSUserActivity)

Informs the app that the NSUserActivity object in userActivity has been updated.

UserDidAcceptCloudKitShare(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, CKShareMetadata)
WillChangeStatusBarFrame(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, CGRect)

Indicates that the frame of the status bar is about to change.

WillChangeStatusBarOrientation(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, UIInterfaceOrientation, Double)

Indicates that the orientation of the status bar is about to change.

WillContinueUserActivity(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, String)

Informs the app that the user is attempting to continue a userActivityType action for which data might not be available, and returns to notify the user that the app will continue the activity.

WillEncodeRestorableState(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSCoder)

Indicates that the app is about to store application state data.

WillEnterForeground(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Indicates that the application is about to enter the foreground.

WillFinishLaunching(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication, NSDictionary)

Indicates that the app is about to finish its launching procedures.

WillTerminate(IUIApplicationDelegate, UIApplication)

Indicates that the app is about to terminate.

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