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Dashboard configuration

The dashboard is configured when it starts up. Configuration includes frontend and OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) addresses, the resource service endpoint, authentication, telemetry limits, and more.

When the dashboard is launched with the .NET Aspire app host project, it's automatically configured to display the app's resources and telemetry. Configuration is provided when launching the dashboard in standalone mode.

There are many ways to provide configuration:

  • Command line arguments.
  • Environment variables. The : delimiter should be replaced with double underscore (__) in environment variable names.
  • Optional JSON configuration file. The DOTNET_DASHBOARD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH setting can be used to specify a JSON configuration file.

Consider the following example, which shows how to configure the dashboard when started from a Docker container:

docker run --rm -it -p 18888:18888 -p 4317:18889 -d --name aspire-dashboard \

Alternatively, these same values could be configured using a JSON configuration file that is specified using DOTNET_DASHBOARD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH:

  "Dashboard": {
    "TelemetryLimits": {
      "MaxLogCount": 1000,
      "MaxTraceCount": 1000,
      "MaxMetricsCount": 1000


The dashboard displays information about resources, including their configuration, console logs and in-depth telemetry.

Data displayed in the dashboard can be sensitive. For example, secrets in environment variables, and sensitive runtime data in telemetry. Care should be taken to configure the dashboard to secure access.

For more information, see dashboard security.

Common configuration

Option Default Value Description
ASPNETCORE_URLS http://localhost:18888 One or more HTTP endpoints through which the dashboard frontend is served. The frontend endpoint is used to view the dashboard in a browser. When the dashboard is launched by the .NET Aspire app host this address is secured with HTTPS. Securing the dashboard with HTTPS is recommended.
DOTNET_DASHBOARD_OTLP_ENDPOINT_URL http://localhost:18889 The OTLP/gRPC endpoint. This endpoint hosts an OTLP service and receives telemetry using gRPC. When the dashboard is launched by the .NET Aspire app host this address is secured with HTTPS. Securing the dashboard with HTTPS is recommended.
DOTNET_DASHBOARD_OTLP_HTTP_ENDPOINT_URL http://localhost:18890 The OTLP/HTTP endpoint. This endpoint hosts an OTLP service and receives telemetry using Protobuf over HTTP. When the dashboard is launched by the .NET Aspire app host the OTLP/HTTP endpoint isn't configured by default. To configure an OTLP/HTTP endpoint with the app host, set an DOTNET_DASHBOARD_OTLP_HTTP_ENDPOINT_URL env var value in launchSettings.json. Securing the dashboard with HTTPS is recommended.
DOTNET_DASHBOARD_UNSECURED_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS false Configures the dashboard to not use authentication and accepts anonymous access. This setting is a shortcut to configuring Dashboard:Frontend:AuthMode and Dashboard:Otlp:AuthMode to Unsecured.
DOTNET_DASHBOARD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH null The path for a JSON configuration file. If the dashboard is being run in a Docker container, then this is the path to the configuration file in a mounted volume. This value is optional.
DOTNET_RESOURCE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URL null The gRPC endpoint to which the dashboard connects for its data. If this value is unspecified, the dashboard shows telemetry data but no resource list or console logs. This setting is a shortcut to Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:Url.

Frontend authentication

The dashboard frontend endpoint authentication is configured with Dashboard:Frontend:AuthMode. The frontend can be secured with OpenID Connect (OIDC) or browser token authentication.

Browser token authentication works by the frontend asking for a token. The token can either be entered in the UI or provided as a query string value to the login page. For example, https://localhost:1234/login?t=TheToken. When the token is successfully authenticated an auth cookie is persisted to the browser, and the browser is redirected to the app.

Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:Frontend:AuthMode BrowserToken Can be set to BrowserToken, OpenIdConnect or Unsecured. Unsecured should only be used during local development. It's not recommended when hosting the dashboard publicly or in other settings.
Dashboard:Frontend:BrowserToken null Specifies the browser token. If the browser token isn't specified, then the dashboard generates one. Tooling that wants to automate logging in with browser token authentication can specify a token and open a browser with the token in the query string. A new token should be generated each time the dashboard is launched.
Dashboard:Frontend:OpenIdConnect:NameClaimType name Specifies one or more claim types that should be used to display the authenticated user's full name. Can be a single claim type or a comma-delimited list of claim types.
Dashboard:Frontend:OpenIdConnect:UsernameClaimType preferred_username Specifies one or more claim types that should be used to display the authenticated user's username. Can be a single claim type or a comma-delimited list of claim types.
Dashboard:Frontend:OpenIdConnect:RequiredClaimType null Specifies the claim that must be present for authorized users. Authorization fails without this claim. This value is optional.
Dashboard:Frontend:OpenIdConnect:RequiredClaimValue null Specifies the value of the required claim. Only used if Dashboard:Frontend:OpenIdConnect:RequireClaimType is also specified. This value is optional.
Authentication:Schemes:OpenIdConnect:Authority null URL to the identity provider (IdP).
Authentication:Schemes:OpenIdConnect:ClientId null Identity of the relying party (RP).
Authentication:Schemes:OpenIdConnect:ClientSecret null A secret that only the real RP would know.
Other properties of OpenIdConnectOptions null Values inside configuration section Authentication:Schemes:OpenIdConnect:* are bound to OpenIdConnectOptions, such as Scope.

OTLP authentication

The OTLP endpoint authentication is configured with Dashboard:Otlp:AuthMode. The OTLP endpoint can be secured with an API key or client certificate authentication.

API key authentication works by requiring each OTLP request to have a valid x-otlp-api-key header value. It must match either the primary or secondary key.

Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:Otlp:AuthMode Unsecured Can be set to ApiKey, Certificate or Unsecured. Unsecured should only be used during local development. It's not recommended when hosting the dashboard publicly or in other settings.
Dashboard:Otlp:PrimaryApiKey null Specifies the primary API key. The API key can be any text, but a value with at least 128 bits of entropy is recommended. This value is required if auth mode is API key.
Dashboard:Otlp:SecondaryApiKey null Specifies the secondary API key. The API key can be any text, but a value with at least 128 bits of entropy is recommended. This value is optional. If a second API key is specified, then the incoming x-otlp-api-key header value can match either the primary or secondary key.


Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) can be configured to allow browser apps to send telemetry to the dashboard.

By default, browser apps are restricted from making cross domain API calls. This impacts sending telemetry to the dashboard because the dashboard and the browser app are always on different domains. To configure CORS, use the Dashboard:Otlp:Cors section and specify the allowed origins and headers:

  "Dashboard": {
    "Otlp": {
      "Cors": {
        "AllowedOrigins": "http://localhost:5000,https://localhost:5001"

Consider the following configuration options:

Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:Otlp:Cors:AllowedOrigins null Specifies the allowed origins for CORS. It's a comma-delimited string and can include the * wildcard to allow any domain. This option is optional and can be set using the DASHBOARD__OTLP__CORS__ALLOWEDORIGINS environment variable.
Dashboard:Otlp:Cors:AllowedHeaders null A comma-delimited string representing the allowed headers for CORS. This setting is optional and can be set using the DASHBOARD__OTLP__CORS__ALLOWEDHEADERS environment variable.


The dashboard only supports the POST method for sending telemetry and doesn't allow configuration of the allowed methods (Access-Control-Allow-Methods) for CORS.


The dashboard connects to a resource service to load and display resource information. The client is configured in the dashboard for how to connect to the service.

The resource service client authentication is configured with Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:AuthMode. The client can be configured to support API key or client certificate authentication.

Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:Url null The gRPC endpoint to which the dashboard connects for its data. If this value is unspecified, the dashboard shows telemetry data but no resource list or console logs.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:AuthMode null Can be set to ApiKey, Certificate or Unsecured. Unsecured should only be used during local development. It's not recommended when hosting the dashboard publicly or in other settings. This value is required if a resource service URL is specified.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ApiKey null The API to send to the resource service in the x-resource-service-api-key header. This value is required if auth mode is API key.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:Source null Can be set to File or KeyStore. This value is required if auth mode is client certificate.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:FilePath null The certificate file path. This value is required if source is File.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:Password null The password for the certificate file. This value is optional.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:Subject null The certificate subject. This value is required if source is KeyStore.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:Store My The certificate StoreName.
Dashboard:ResourceServiceClient:ClientCertificate:Location CurrentUser The certificate StoreLocation.

Telemetry limits

Telemetry is stored in memory. To avoid excessive memory usage, the dashboard has limits on the count and size of stored telemetry. When a count limit is reached, new telemetry is added, and the oldest telemetry is removed. When a size limit is reached, data is truncated to the limit.

Telemetry limits have different scopes depending upon the telemetry type:

  • MaxLogCount and MaxTraceCount are shared across resources. For example, a MaxLogCount value of 5,000 configures the dashboard to store up to 5,000 total log entries for all resources.
  • MaxMetricsCount is per-resource. For example, a MaxMetricsCount value of 10,000 configures the dashboard to store up to 10,000 metrics data points per-resource.
Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxLogCount 10,000 The maximum number of log entries. Limit is shared across resources.
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxTraceCount 10,000 The maximum number of log traces. Limit is shared across resources.
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxMetricsCount 50,000 The maximum number of metric data points. Limit is per-resource.
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxAttributeCount 128 The maximum number of attributes on telemetry.
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxAttributeLength null The maximum length of attributes.
Dashboard:TelemetryLimits:MaxSpanEventCount null The maximum number of events on span attributes.


Option Default Value Description
Dashboard:ApplicationName Aspire The application name to be displayed in the UI. This applies only when no resource service URL is specified. When a resource service exists, the service specifies the application name.

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