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Procédure : empêcher une tâche enfant de s’attacher à son parent

Ce document explique comment empêcher une tâche enfant de s’attacher à la tâche parente. Empêcher une tâche enfant de s’attacher à son parent est utile quand vous appelez un composant écrit par un tiers, qui utilise également des tâches. Par exemple, un composant tiers qui utilise l’option TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent pour créer un objet Task ou Task<TResult> peut causer des problèmes dans votre code s’il est long ou s’il lève une exception non gérée.


L’exemple suivant compare les effets d’utiliser les options par défaut à ceux d’empêcher une tâche enfant de s’attacher au parent. L’exemple crée un objet Task qui appelle une bibliothèque tierce qui utilise également un objet Task. La bibliothèque tierce utilise l’option AttachedToParent pour créer l’objet Task. L’application utilise l’option TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach pour créer la tâche parente. Cette option ordonne au runtime de supprimer la spécification AttachedToParent des tâches enfants.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

// Defines functionality that is provided by a third-party.
// In a real-world scenario, this would likely be provided
// in a separate code file or assembly.
namespace Contoso
   public class Widget
      public Task Run()
         // Create a long-running task that is attached to the
         // parent in the task hierarchy.
         return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            // Simulate a lengthy operation.
         }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);

// Demonstrates how to prevent a child task from attaching to the parent.
class DenyChildAttach
   static void RunWidget(Contoso.Widget widget,
      TaskCreationOptions parentTaskOptions)
      // Record the time required to run the parent
      // and child tasks.
      Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

      Console.WriteLine("Starting widget as a background task...");

      // Run the widget task in the background.
      Task<Task> runWidget = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            Task widgetTask = widget.Run();

            // Perform other work while the task runs...

            return widgetTask;
         }, parentTaskOptions);

      // Wait for the parent task to finish.
      Console.WriteLine("Waiting for parent task to finish...");
      Console.WriteLine("Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is {0} ms.",

      // Perform more work...
      Console.WriteLine("Performing more work on the main thread...");
      Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time is {0} ms.", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

      // Wait for the child task to finish.
      Console.WriteLine("Waiting for child task to finish...");
      Console.WriteLine("Child task has finished. Elapsed time is {0} ms.",

   static void Main(string[] args)
      Contoso.Widget w = new Contoso.Widget();

      // Perform the same operation two times. The first time, the operation
      // is performed by using the default task creation options. The second
      // time, the operation is performed by using the DenyChildAttach option
      // in the parent task.

      Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating parent/child tasks with default options...");
      RunWidget(w, TaskCreationOptions.None);


      Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating parent/child tasks with the DenyChildAttach option...");
      RunWidget(w, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach);

/* Sample output:
Demonstrating parent/child tasks with default options...
Starting widget as a background task...
Waiting for parent task to finish...
Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is 5014 ms.
Performing more work on the main thread...
Elapsed time is 7019 ms.
Waiting for child task to finish...
Child task has finished. Elapsed time is 7019 ms.

Demonstrating parent/child tasks with the DenyChildAttach option...
Starting widget as a background task...
Waiting for parent task to finish...
Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is 1007 ms.
Performing more work on the main thread...
Elapsed time is 3015 ms.
Waiting for child task to finish...
Child task has finished. Elapsed time is 5015 ms.
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

' Defines functionality that is provided by a third-party.
' In a real-world scenario, this would likely be provided
' in a separate code file or assembly.
Namespace Contoso
    Public Class Widget
        Public Function Run() As Task
            ' Create a long-running task that is attached to the 
            ' parent in the task hierarchy.
            Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() Thread.Sleep(5000), TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent)
            ' Simulate a lengthy operation.
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

' Demonstrates how to prevent a child task from attaching to the parent.
Friend Class DenyChildAttach
    Private Shared Sub RunWidget(ByVal widget As Contoso.Widget, ByVal parentTaskOptions As TaskCreationOptions)
        ' Record the time required to run the parent
        ' and child tasks.
        Dim stopwatch As New Stopwatch()

        Console.WriteLine("Starting widget as a background task...")

        ' Run the widget task in the background.
        Dim runWidget As Task(Of Task) = Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
                                                                   ' Perform other work while the task runs...
                                                                   Dim widgetTask As Task = widget.Run()
                                                                   Return widgetTask
                                                               End Function, parentTaskOptions)

        ' Wait for the parent task to finish.
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting for parent task to finish...")
        Console.WriteLine("Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is {0} ms.", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)

        ' Perform more work...
        Console.WriteLine("Performing more work on the main thread...")
        Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time is {0} ms.", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)

        ' Wait for the child task to finish.
        Console.WriteLine("Waiting for child task to finish...")
        Console.WriteLine("Child task has finished. Elapsed time is {0} ms.", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)
    End Sub

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        Dim w As New Contoso.Widget()

        ' Perform the same operation two times. The first time, the operation
        ' is performed by using the default task creation options. The second
        ' time, the operation is performed by using the DenyChildAttach option
        ' in the parent task.

        Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating parent/child tasks with default options...")
        RunWidget(w, TaskCreationOptions.None)


        Console.WriteLine("Demonstrating parent/child tasks with the DenyChildAttach option...")
        RunWidget(w, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach)
    End Sub
End Class

' Sample output:
'Demonstrating parent/child tasks with default options...
'Starting widget as a background task...
'Waiting for parent task to finish...
'Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is 5014 ms.
'Performing more work on the main thread...
'Elapsed time is 7019 ms.
'Waiting for child task to finish...
'Child task has finished. Elapsed time is 7019 ms.
'Demonstrating parent/child tasks with the DenyChildAttach option...
'Starting widget as a background task...
'Waiting for parent task to finish...
'Parent task has finished. Elapsed time is 1007 ms.
'Performing more work on the main thread...
'Elapsed time is 3015 ms.
'Waiting for child task to finish...
'Child task has finished. Elapsed time is 5015 ms.

Étant donné qu’une tâche parente ne se termine pas tant que toutes les tâches enfants ne sont pas achevées, une tâche enfant à exécution longue peut entraîner des performances médiocres de la part de l’application globale. Dans cet exemple, quand l’application utilise les options par défaut pour créer une tâche parente, la tâche enfant doit se terminer avant la fin de la tâche parente. Quand l’application utilise l’option TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, l’enfant n’est pas attachée au parent. Par conséquent, l’application peut effectuer du travail supplémentaire dès que la tâche parente est terminée et avant qu’elle ne doive attendre la fin de la tâche enfant.

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