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Extend POS views to add custom columns and app bar buttons

This article explains how you can extend existing point of sale (POS) views. To extend the Transaction screen and Welcome screen, you can use the screen layout designer. To extend all other POS views, such as the Customer Add/Edit screen, you use the Retail software development kit (SDK). This article focuses on the extension of existing POS views via the Retail SDK.

POS views support the following extension points and patterns:

  • Custom app bar buttons – Add custom buttons to the app bar on selected pages.
  • Custom column sets – Replace the grid columns with custom columns on selected pages.
  • Custom controls – Add new controls to selected pages.
  • Custom filters – Add custom filters to selected pages.

POS views that currently support extensions

The following table shows the POS views that currently support extensions. It also indicates the types of extension points that each POS view supports.


The upcoming releases and hotfix will add support for more extension points in other views.

POS view (Release) Custom controls are supported Custom columns are supported Custom app bar buttons are supported
Cart view (Screen layout based) Yes Yes No
CustomerAddEditView Yes No Yes
CustomerDetailsView Yes No Yes
SearchView No Yes Yes
InventoryLookupView No Yes Yes
ShowJournalView No Yes Yes
SimpleProductDetailsView Yes No Yes
AddressAddEditView Yes No Yes
PaymentView No No Yes
PriceCheckView Yes No Yes
PriceCheckViewPhone No No Yes
SearchOrdersView No Yes No
SearchPickingAndReceivingView No Yes Yes
CustomerOrderHistoryView No Yes No
SearchStockCountView No Yes No
StockCountDetailsView No Yes Yes
ResumeCartView No Yes Yes
InventoryLookupMatrixView No No Yes
SuspendTransactionView No Yes No
ManageShiftView No No Yes
ReportDetailsView No No Yes
TransferOrderDetailsView No No Yes
FulfillmentLineView No Yes Yes
ReturnTransactionView No Yes Yes
PickingAndReceivingDetailsView No Yes Yes
PickingAndReceivingDetailsView (Advanced warehouse) No Yes Yes
SalesInvoiceDetailsView (10.0.11) No No Yes
SalesInvoicesView (10.0.11) No Yes No
InventoryDocumentShippingAndReceivingView (10.0.13) No Yes (10.0.23) Yes
InventoryDocumentListView No Yes (10.0.15) Yes (10.0.13)
ManageShiftsView No Yes (10.0.21) No


The table shown above is updated based on the latest released version and hotfix. In earlier versions, some of these extension points will not be available.

In Show journal (lines grid) and Return transaction view, custom columns are supported using the row sub fields. These sub fields will be displayed as rows instead of columns, like the info code messages or serial number or discounts values.

Custom filter extension

Custom filter extensions are supported in the POS views in the following table. Search order views also supports using extensions to set default parameters for search in the user interface (UI). For example, if you want to add a default store search parameter, you can use an extension and show that parameter in the UI.

POS view Custom filters supported? Default filter parameters? Release
ShowJournalView Yes No
SearchOrdersView Yes Yes
FulfillmentLineView Yes No
InventoryDocumentListView Yes No 10.0.23
InventoryDocumentShippingAndReceivingView Yes No 10.0.25
InventoryAdjustmentDocumentListView Yes No 10.0.25
InventoryAdjustmentDocumentWorkingView Yes No 10.0.25
InventoryDocumentStockCountingListView Yes No 10.0.25
InventoryDocumentStockCountingWorkingView Yes No 10.0.25

Sample code for custom filter extensions is available in the Retail SDK (...\RetailSDK\Code\POS\Extensions\SampleExtensions\ViewExtensions\SearchOrders\SampleOrderSearchTextFilter.ts).

Add a custom column and an app bar button

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as an administrator.

  2. Open the ModernPOS solution from …\RetailSDK\POS.

  3. In the POS.Extensions project, create a folder that is named SearchExtension.

  4. In the SearchExtension folder, create a folder that is named ViewExtensions.

  5. In the ViewExtensions folder, create a folder that is named Search.

  6. In the Search folder, create a Typescript file that is named CustomCustomerSearchColumns.ts.

  7. In the CustomCustomerSearchColumns.ts file, add the following import statements to import the relevant entities and context.

    import { ICustomerSearchColumn } from "PosApi/Extend/Views/SearchView";
    import { ICustomColumnsContext } from "PosApi/Extend/Views/CustomListColumns";
    import { ProxyEntities } from "PosApi/Entities";
  8. Add the existing column and the custom column to the file.

    export default (context: ICustomColumnsContext): ICustomerSearchColumn[] => {
        return [
                title: context.resources.getString("string_2"),
                computeValue: (row: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer): string => { return row.AccountNumber; },
                ratio: 15,
                collapseOrder: 5,
                minWidth: 120
             }, {
                title: context.resources.getString("string_3"),
                computeValue: (row: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer): string => { return row.FullName; },
                ratio: 20,
                collapseOrder: 4,
                minWidth: 200
            }, {
                title: context.resources.getString("string_4"),
                computeValue: (row: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer): string => { return row.FullAddress; },
                ratio: 25,
                collapseOrder: 1,
                minWidth: 200
            }, {
                title: context.resources.getString("string_5"),
                computeValue: (row: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer): string => { return row.Email; },
                ratio: 20,
                collapseOrder: 2,
                minWidth: 200
            }, {
                title: context.resources.getString("string_7"),
                computeValue: (row: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer): string => { return row.Phone; },
                ratio: 20,
                collapseOrder: 3,
                minWidth: 120
  9. You will now add the resource file for localization of the column name. In the SearchExtension folder, create a folder that is named Resources.

  10. In the Resources folder, create a folder that is named Strings.

  11. In the Strings folder, create a folder that is named en-US.

  12. In the en-us folder, create a file that is named resources.resjson.

  13. In the resources.resjson file, add the following code.

        //======================== Sample View extensions strings. ========================
        "string_0" : "Quick compare products",
        "_string_0.comment" : "Product search page app bar command label.",
        "string_1" : "View customer summary",
        "_string_1.comment" : "Customer search page app bar command label.",
        //======================== Column names. ========================
        "string_2" : "ACCOUNT NUMBER_CUSTOMIZED",
        "_string_2.comment" : "Customer search column name.",
        "string_3" : "NAME",
        "_string_3.comment" : "Customer search column name.",
        "string_4" : "ADDRESS",
        "_string_4.comment" : "Customer search column name.",
        "string_5" : "CONTACT EMAIL",
        "_string_5.comment" : "Customer search column name.",
        "string_7" : "PHONE NUMBER",
        "_string_7.comment" : "Customer search column name."
  14. In the SearchExtension folder, create a folder that is named DialogSample.

  15. In the DialogSample folder, create a TypeScript file that is named MessageDialog.ts.

  16. In the MessageDialog.ts file, add the following import statements to import the relevant entities and context.

    import { ShowMessageDialogClientRequest, ShowMessageDialogClientResponse, IMessageDialogOptions } from "PosApi/Consume/Dialogs";
    import { IExtensionContext } from "PosApi/Framework/ExtensionContext";
    import { ClientEntities } from "PosApi/Entities";
  17. Create a class that is named MessageDialog.

    export default class MessageDialog {}
  18. In the MessageDialog class, add the following show method.

    public static show(context: IExtensionContext, message: string): Promise<void> {
        let promise: Promise<void> = new Promise<void>((resolve: () => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => 
            let messageDialogOptions: IMessageDialogOptions = {
                title: "Extension Message Dialog",
                message: message,
                showCloseX: true, // this property will return "Close" as result when "X" is clicked to close dialog.
                button1: {
                    id: "Button1Close",
                    label: "OK",
                    result: "OKResult"
                button2: {
                    id: "Button2Cancel",
                    label: "Cancel",
                    result: "CancelResult"
            let dialogRequest: ShowMessageDialogClientRequest<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse> =
                new ShowMessageDialogClientRequest<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse>(messageDialogOptions);
                    result: ClientEntities.ICancelableDataResult<ShowMessageDialogClientResponse>) => {
                if (!result.canceled) {
                    context.logger.logInformational("MessageDialog result: " +;
            }).catch((reason: any) => {
        return promise;
  19. You will now add a custom app bar button in the search view to open a dialog box that contains details about the selected customer. In the ViewExtensions folder, create a Typescript file that is named ViewCustomerSummaryCommand.ts.

  20. In the ViewCustomerSummaryCommand.ts file, add the following import statements to import the relevant entities and context.

    import { ProxyEntities } from "PosApi/Entities";
    import { ArrayExtensions, ObjectExtensions } from "PosApi/TypeExtensions";
    import { IExtensionCommandContext } from "PosApi/Extend/Views/AppBarCommands";
    import * as SearchView from "PosApi/Extend/Views/SearchView";
    import MessageDialog from "../../Controls/DialogSample/MessageDialog";
  21. Create a class that is named ViewCustomerSummaryCommand, and extend it from CustomerSearchExtensionCommandBase.

    export default class ViewCustomerSummaryCommand extends SearchView.CustomerSearchExtensionCommandBase {}
  22. In the ViewCustomerSummaryCommand class, declare a private variable to capture the results when searching for the selected customer.

    private _customerSearchResults: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer[];
  23. Add the class constructor method to initialize and clear the search handler.

    constructor(context: IExtensionCommandContext<SearchView.ICustomerSearchToExtensionCommandMessageTypeMap>) {
        super(context); = "viewCustomerSummaryCommand";
        this.label = context.resources.getString("string_1");
        this.extraClass = "iconLightningBolt";
        this._customerSearchResults = [];
        this.searchResultsSelectedHandler = (data: SearchView.CustomerSearchSearchResultSelectedData): void => {
            this._customerSearchResults = data.customers;
            this.canExecute = true;
        this.searchResultSelectionClearedHandler = (): void => {
            this._customerSearchResults = [];
            this.canExecute = false;
  24. Add the init method to initialize the visible property.

    protected init(state: SearchView.ICustomerSearchExtensionCommandState): void {
        this.isVisible = true;
  25. Add the execute method to handle the app button click handler. The execute method reads the data for the selected customer from the handler and shows it in a simple dialog box.

    protected execute(): void {
        let customer: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer = ArrayExtensions.firstOrUndefined(this._customerSearchResults);
        if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(customer)) {
            let message: string = "Customer Account: " + (customer.AccountNumber || "") + " | ";
            message += "Name: " + customer.FullName + " | ";
            message += "Phone Number: " + customer.Phone + " | ";
            message += "Email Address: " + customer.Email;
  , message);

    The whole code sample should look like this.

    import { ProxyEntities } from "PosApi/Entities";
    import { ArrayExtensions, ObjectExtensions } from "PosApi/TypeExtensions";
    import { IExtensionCommandContext } from "PosApi/Extend/Views/AppBarCommands";
    import * as SearchView from "PosApi/Extend/Views/SearchView";
    import MessageDialog from "../../DialogSample/MessageDialog";
    export default class ViewCustomerSummaryCommand extends SearchView.CustomerSearchExtensionCommandBase {
        private _customerSearchResults: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer[];
        * Creates a new instance of the ViewCustomerSummaryCommand class.
        * @param {IExtensionCommandContext<CustomerDetailsView.ICustomerSearchToExtensionCommandMessageTypeMap>} context The command context.
        * @remarks The command context contains APIs through which a command can communicate with POS.
        constructor(context: IExtensionCommandContext<SearchView.ICustomerSearchToExtensionCommandMessageTypeMap>) {
   = "viewCustomerSummaryCommand";
            this.label = context.resources.getString("string_1");
            this.extraClass = "iconLightningBolt";
            this._customerSearchResults = [];
            this.searchResultsSelectedHandler = (data: SearchView.CustomerSearchSearchResultSelectedData): void => {
                this._customerSearchResults = data.customers;
                this.canExecute = true;
            this.searchResultSelectionClearedHandler = (): void => {
                this._customerSearchResults = [];
                this.canExecute = false;
        * Initializes the command.
        * @param {CustomerDetailsView.ICustomerDetailsExtensionCommandState} state The state used to initialize the command.
        protected init(state: SearchView.ICustomerSearchExtensionCommandState): void {
            this.isVisible = true;
        * Executes the command.
        protected execute(): void {
            let customer: ProxyEntities.GlobalCustomer = ArrayExtensions.firstOrUndefined(this._customerSearchResults);
            if (!ObjectExtensions.isNullOrUndefined(customer)) {
                let message: string = "Customer Account: " + (customer.AccountNumber || "") + " | ";
                message += "Name: " + customer.FullName + " | ";
                message += "Phone Number: " + customer.Phone + " | ";
                message += "Email Address: " + customer.Email;
      , message);
  26. In the SearchExtension folder, create a JSON file that is named manifest.json.

  27. In the manifest.json file, add the following code.

        "$schema": "../manifestSchema.json",
        "name": "Pos_Extensibility_Samples",
        "publisher": "Microsoft",
        "version": "7.2.0",
        "minimumPosVersion": "",
        "components": {
            "resources": {
                "supportedUICultures": [ "en-US" ],
                "fallbackUICulture": "en-US",
                "culturesDirectoryPath": "Resources/Strings ",
                "stringResourcesFileName": "resources.resjson",
                "cultureInfoOverridesFilePath": "Resources/cultureInfoOverrides.json"
            "extend": {
                "views": {
                    "SearchView": {
                        "customerAppBarCommands": [ { "modulePath": "ViewExtensions/Search/ViewCustomerSummaryCommand" } ],
                        "customerListConfiguration": { "modulePath": "ViewExtensions/Search/CustomCustomerSearchColumns" }
  28. In the POS.Extensions project, open the extensions.json file, and update it with SearchExtension samples, so that the POS includes this extension at runtime.

        "extensionPackages": [
            "baseUrl": "SampleExtensions2"
            "baseUrl": "SearchExtension"
  29. In the tsconfig.json file, comment out the extension package folders in the exclude list. The POS uses this file to include or exclude the extension. By default, the list contains the whole excluded extensions list. To include an extension as part of the POS, add the name of the extension folder, and comment out the extension in the exclude list, as shown here.

    "exclude": [
  30. Compile and rebuild the project.

Validate the customization

Follow these steps to validate the customization.

  1. Sign in to the Store Commerce app by using 000160 as the operator ID and 123 as the password.

  2. Search for customer 2001 by using the search bar on the top.

    You should see the custom columns that you added.

  3. Select a customer, and then select the new app bar button. A dialog box should appear that contains details about the selected customer.