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(RUS) Set up the periods of formats application directory

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

The tax authority creates a document that defines all versions of tax report formats. You can download and use this document to create the tax reports in the versions that you want. The periods of formats application directory contains the format settings that describe this document, and additional settings for the correct configuration and loading of the reports. The directory also contains the report structure that is loaded automatically from the XML schema definition (XSD) for the file.

You can add versions to the format directory manually or automatically.

Add a format version manually

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Financial reports generator > Periods of formats application.

  2. Click New, and then in the Format version and KND code fields, enter an identification number and Klassificator nalogovoy documentacii (KND) code for the format.

  3. In the Form name, Format part number, and Number of version fields, enter the Nalogovaya Buhgalterskaya Otchetnost (NBO) form name, the NBO format part number, and the version number.

  4. In the Application start date field, select the starting date of the period for which to use the NBO format.

  5. In the First application period field, enter the first tax reporting period for which to use the NBO format.

  6. In the Application end date field, select the ending date of the period for which to use the NBO format.

  7. In the Number in formats register field, enter the format version number in the Federal registry for the submission of legislation reporting.

  8. On the General tab, in the File name prefix field, enter the prefix for the file name.


    The prefix O is used for all text format versions. The value from the File name prefix field is used to name output files that are created by using a configured template that the format version is specified for.

  9. In the File name and Format fields, select a fixed requisite and the format code for the fixed requisite.

  10. In the Resolution number and approval date field, enter the NBO form resolution number and approval date.

  11. In the Note field, enter a description that is displayed on the report.

  12. Click Load XSD schema, and then in the File name field, specify the name and path of the schema file.

  13. Click OK. The versions format is displayed in the XSD schema field on the XSD text tab. The template structure is created based on the loaded schemas.

Add a format version automatically

Use the Selection of KND form to import Spavochnik periodov primeneniya formatov documentov (SPPFD).

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Financial reports generator > Periods of formats application.

  2. Click Import of SPPFD.

  3. Select the Select check box for each version to import for the selected report.

  4. Click Check > Check selected to open the Load Microsoft Word file with formats list form, where you can check for new versions for the selected KND code.


    Click Check > Check all to open the Load Microsoft Word file with formats list form, where you can check for new versions for all KND codes.

  5. In the Application start date field, select the date when the format version is applicable.

  6. Click OK. All new versions after the specified date that have a matching KND code are displayed on the List of updates tab.

  7. On the List of updates tab, select the Select check box for the versions to add to the directory.

  8. Click Add > Add selected to add the selected versions only.


    Click Add > Add all to add all versions.

See also

(RUS) Periods of formats application (form)

(RUS) Fixed requisites (form)

(RUS) Format of requisites (form)