
This object allows you to track which app currently has foreground focus and get information about it.


XboxGameBarAppTargetTracker(XboxGameBarWidget widget)

You pass your XboxGameBarWidget object to provide correct context to your control object.


XboxGameBarAppTargetSetting Setting

Returns the current XboxGameBarAppTargetSetting, specifying whether app target tracking is currently enabled for the widget. Subscribe to the SettingChanged event to monitor changes.


Microsoft.Gaming.XboxGameBar.XboxGameBarAppTarget GetTarget()

Returns the current XboxGameBarAppTarget. Subscribe to the TargetChanged event to monitor changes.


event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<XboxGameBarAppTargetTracker, Object> TargetChanged

Event raised when app target changes.

event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<XboxGameBarAppTargetTracker, Object> SettingChanged

Event is raised whenever the Setting property is updated. i.e. the user changes the target tracking setting in Game Bar for your widget.