
Provides APIs for managing and sending widget notifications through Game Bar.


XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationManager(XboxGameBarWidget widget)

Constructs a widget notification manager.


XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationSetting Setting

Returns the current XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationSetting, specifying whether notifications are currently enabled for the widget. Subscribe to the SettingChanged event to monitor changes.


XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationShowResult TryShow(XboxGameBarWidgetNotification notification)

Attempts to show the given notification in Game Bar. Returns a XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationShowResult representing the result status of the operation.

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationShowResult> TryShowAsync(XboxGameBarWidgetNotification notification)

Same as above but provides async (non-blocking) usage.


Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<XboxGameBarWidgetNotificationManager, Object> SettingChanged

Event is raised whenever the Setting property is updated. i.e. the user changes the notification setting in Game Bar for your widget.