Partager via

Office.MailboxEnums.RecurrenceTimeZone enum

Spécifie le fuseau horaire appliqué à la périodicité.


[ Ensemble d’API : Boîte aux lettres 1.7 ]

Mode Outlook applicable : Rédiger ou Lire


// Link to full sample:

// Important: Can only set the recurrence pattern of an appointment series.

const currentDate = new Date();
let seriesTimeObject: Office.SeriesTime;
// Set series start date to tomorrow.
seriesTimeObject.setStartDate(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDay() + 1);
// Set series end date to one year from now.
seriesTimeObject.setEndDate(currentDate.getFullYear() + 1, currentDate.getMonth() + 1, currentDate.getDay());
// Set start time to 1:30 PM.
seriesTimeObject.setStartTime(13, 30);
// Set duration to 30 minutes.

const pattern: Office.Recurrence = {
  seriesTime: seriesTimeObject,
  recurrenceType: Office.MailboxEnums.RecurrenceType.Yearly,
  recurrenceProperties: {
    interval: 1,
    dayOfWeek: Office.MailboxEnums.Days.Tue,
    weekNumber: Office.MailboxEnums.WeekNumber.Second,
    month: Office.MailboxEnums.Month.Sep
  recurrenceTimeZone: { name: Office.MailboxEnums.RecurrenceTimeZone.PacificStandardTime }

Office.context.mailbox.item.recurrence.setAsync(pattern, (asyncResult) => {
  if (asyncResult.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
    console.error(`Failed to set recurrence. Error: ${asyncResult.error.message}`);
  console.log(`Succeeded in setting recurrence pattern ${JSON.stringify(pattern)}`);


AfghanistanStandardTime = "Afghanistan Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Afghanistan

AlaskanStandardTime = "Alaskan Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Alaska

AleutianStandardTime = "Aleutian Standard Time"

Heure standard aléoutienne

AltaiStandardTime = "Altai Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Altaï

ArabStandardTime = "Arab Standard Time"

Heure standard arabe

ArabianStandardTime = "Arabian Standard Time"

Heure standard arabe

ArabicStandardTime = "Arabic Standard Time"

Heure standard arabe

ArgentinaStandardTime = "Argentina Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Argentine

AstrakhanStandardTime = "Astrakhan Standard Time"

Heure standard Astrakhan

AtlanticStandardTime = "Atlantic Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Atlantique

AUSCentralStandardTime = "AUS Central Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Australie Centre

AusCentralW_StandardTime = "Aus Central W. Standard Time"

Australie Centre-Ouest (heure standard)

AUSEasternStandardTime = "AUS Eastern Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Est de l’AUS

AzerbaijanStandardTime = "Azerbaijan Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Azerbaïdjan

AzoresStandardTime = "Azores Standard Time"

Heure standard des Açores

BahiaStandardTime = "Bahia Standard Time"

Heure standard de Bahia

BangladeshStandardTime = "Bangladesh Standard Time"

Heure standard du Bangladesh

BelarusStandardTime = "Belarus Standard Time"

Heure standard du Bélarus

BougainvilleStandardTime = "Bougainville Standard Time"

Heure standard de Bougainville

CanadaCentralStandardTime = "Canada Central Standard Time"

Heure standard du Canada Centre

CapeVerdeStandardTime = "Cape Verde Standard Time"

Heure standard du Cap-Vert

CaucasusStandardTime = "Caucasus Standard Time"

Heure standard du Caucase

CenAustraliaStandardTime = "Cen. Australia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Australie Centrale

CentralAmericaStandardTime = "Central America Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Amérique centrale

CentralAsiaStandardTime = "Central Asia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Asie centrale

CentralBrazilianStandardTime = "Central Brazilian Standard Time"

Heure standard du Brésil centre

CentralEuropeStandardTime = "Central Europe Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Europe centrale

CentralEuropeanStandardTime = "Central European Standard Time"

Heure standard d’Europe centrale

CentralPacificStandardTime = "Central Pacific Standard Time"

Heure standard du Pacifique Centre

CentralStandardTime = "Central Standard Time"

Heure standard centrale

CentralStandardTime_Mexico = "Central Standard Time (Mexico)"

Heure standard du Centre (Mexique)

ChathamIslandsStandardTime = "Chatham Islands Standard Time"

Heure standard des îles Chatham

ChinaStandardTime = "China Standard Time"

Heure standard de Chine

CubaStandardTime = "Cuba Standard Time"

Heure standard de Cuba

DatelineStandardTime = "Dateline Standard Time"

Dateline Standard Time

E_AfricaStandardTime = "E. Africa Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Afrique de l’Est

E_AustraliaStandardTime = "E. Australia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Australie-Est

E_EuropeStandardTime = "E. Europe Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Europe de l’Est

E_SouthAmericaStandardTime = "E. South America Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Est de l’Amérique du Sud

EasterIslandStandardTime = "Easter Island Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’île de Pâques

EasternStandardTime = "Eastern Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Est

EasternStandardTime_Mexico = "Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)"

Heure standard de l’Est (Mexique)

EgyptStandardTime = "Egypt Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Égypte

EkaterinburgStandardTime = "Ekaterinburg Standard Time"

Heure standard d’Ekaterinbourg

FijiStandardTime = "Fiji Standard Time"

Heure standard de Fidji

FLEStandardTime = "FLE Standard Time"

Heure standard FLE

GeorgianStandardTime = "Georgian Standard Time"

Heure standard géorgienne

GMTStandardTime = "GMT Standard Time"

Heure standard GMT

GreenlandStandardTime = "Greenland Standard Time"

Heure standard du Groenland

GreenwichStandardTime = "Greenwich Standard Time"

Heure standard de Greenwich

GTBStandardTime = "GTB Standard Time"

Heure standard GTB

HaitiStandardTime = "Haiti Standard Time"

Haïti (heure standard)

HawaiianStandardTime = "Hawaiian Standard Time"

Heure standard hawaïenne

IndiaStandardTime = "India Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Inde

IranStandardTime = "Iran Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Iran

IsraelStandardTime = "Israel Standard Time"

Heure standard d’Israël

JordanStandardTime = "Jordan Standard Time"

Heure standard de Jordanie

KaliningradStandardTime = "Kaliningrad Standard Time"

Heure standard de Kaliningrad

KamchatkaStandardTime = "Kamchatka Standard Time"

Heure standard du Kamchatka

KoreaStandardTime = "Korea Standard Time"

Heure standard de Corée

LibyaStandardTime = "Libya Standard Time"

Heure standard de libye

LineIslandsStandardTime = "Line Islands Standard Time"

Line Islands Standard Time

LordHoweStandardTime = "Lord Howe Standard Time"

Heure standard de Lord Howe

MagadanStandardTime = "Magadan Standard Time"

Heure standard de Magadan

MagallanesStandardTime = "Magallanes Standard Time"

Heure standard de Magallanes

MarquesasStandardTime = "Marquesas Standard Time"

Marquesas Standard Time

MauritiusStandardTime = "Mauritius Standard Time"

Heure standard de Maurice

MidAtlanticStandardTime = "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time"

Mid-Atlantic l’heure standard

MiddleEastStandardTime = "Middle East Standard Time"

Heure standard du Moyen-Orient

MontevideoStandardTime = "Montevideo Standard Time"

Heure standard de Montevideo

MoroccoStandardTime = "Morocco Standard Time"

Heure standard du Maroc

MountainStandardTime = "Mountain Standard Time"

Heure standard de montagne

MountainStandardTime_Mexico = "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)"

Mountain Standard Time (Mexique)

MyanmarStandardTime = "Myanmar Standard Time"

Heure standard du Myanmar

N_CentralAsiaStandardTime = "N. Central Asia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Asie Centre Nord

NamibiaStandardTime = "Namibia Standard Time"

Heure standard de Namibie

NepalStandardTime = "Nepal Standard Time"

Heure standard du Népal

NewZealandStandardTime = "New Zealand Standard Time"

Heure standard de Nouvelle-Zélande

NewfoundlandStandardTime = "Newfoundland Standard Time"

Heure standard de Terre-Neuve

NorfolkStandardTime = "Norfolk Standard Time"

Heure standard de Norfolk

NorthAsiaEastStandardTime = "North Asia East Standard Time"

Asie Nord-Est - Heure standard

NorthAsiaStandardTime = "North Asia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Asie du Nord

NorthKoreaStandardTime = "North Korea Standard Time"

Heure standard de la Corée du Nord

OmskStandardTime = "Omsk Standard Time"

Heure standard Omsk

PacificSAStandardTime = "Pacific SA Standard Time"

Heure standard sa du Pacifique

PacificStandardTime = "Pacific Standard Time"

Heure standard du Pacifique

PacificStandardTimeMexico = "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)"

Heure standard du Pacifique (Mexique)

PakistanStandardTime = "Pakistan Standard Time"

Heure standard du Pakistan

ParaguayStandardTime = "Paraguay Standard Time"

Heure standard du Paraguay

RomanceStandardTime = "Romance Standard Time"

Romance Standard Time

RussiaTimeZone10 = "Russia Time Zone 10"

Zone horaire Russie 10

RussiaTimeZone11 = "Russia Time Zone 11"

Fuseau horaire Russie 11

RussiaTimeZone3 = "Russia Time Zone 3"

Fuseau horaire Russie 3

RussianStandardTime = "Russian Standard Time"

Heure standard russe

SAEasternStandardTime = "SA Eastern Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Est sa

SAPacificStandardTime = "SA Pacific Standard Time"


SAWesternStandardTime = "SA Western Standard Time"

SA Western Standard Time

SaintPierreStandardTime = "Saint Pierre Standard Time"

Heure standard de Saint-Pierre

SakhalinStandardTime = "Sakhalin Standard Time"

Heure standard de Sakhaline

SamoaStandardTime = "Samoa Standard Time"

Heure standard de Samoa

SaratovStandardTime = "Saratov Standard Time"

Heure standard de Saratov

SEAsiaStandardTime = "SE Asia Standard Time"

Asie Sud-Est Heure standard

SingaporeStandardTime = "Singapore Standard Time"

Heure standard de Singapour

SouthAfricaStandardTime = "South Africa Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Afrique du Sud

SriLankaStandardTime = "Sri Lanka Standard Time"

Heure standard du Sri Lanka

SudanStandardTime = "Sudan Standard Time"

Heure standard du Soudan

SyriaStandardTime = "Syria Standard Time"

Heure standard de la Syrie

TaipeiStandardTime = "Taipei Standard Time"

Heure standard de Taipei

TasmaniaStandardTime = "Tasmania Standard Time"

Heure standard de La Tasmanie

TocantinsStandardTime = "Tocantins Standard Time"

Tocantins Heure standard

TokyoStandardTime = "Tokyo Standard Time"

Heure standard de Tokyo

TomskStandardTime = "Tomsk Standard Time"

Heure standard de Tomsk

TongaStandardTime = "Tonga Standard Time"

Heure standard tonga

TransbaikalStandardTime = "Transbaikal Standard Time"

Heure standard de Transbaikal

TurkeyStandardTime = "Turkey Standard Time"

Heure standard de la Turquie

TurksAndCaicosStandardTime = "Turks And Caicos Standard Time"

Turks and Caicos (heure standard)

UlaanbaatarStandardTime = "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time"

Heure standard d’Oulan-Bator

USEasternStandardTime = "US Eastern Standard Time"

États-Unis l’heure standard de l’Est

USMountainStandardTime = "US Mountain Standard Time"

heure standard de États-Unis Mountain


Temps universel coordonné (UTC)

UTCPLUS12 = "UTC+12"

Temps universel coordonné (UTC) + 12 heures

UTCPLUS13 = "UTC+13"

Temps universel coordonné (UTC) + 13 heures


Temps universel coordonné (UTC) - 2 heures


Temps universel coordonné (UTC) - 8 heures


Temps universel coordonné (UTC) - 9 heures


Temps universel coordonné (UTC) - 11 heures

VenezuelaStandardTime = "Venezuela Standard Time"

Heure standard du Venezuela

VladivostokStandardTime = "Vladivostok Standard Time"

Heure standard de Vladivostok

W_AustraliaStandardTime = "W. Australia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Australie-Ouest

W_CentralAfricaStandardTime = "W. Central Africa Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Afrique centrale de l’Ouest

W_EuropeStandardTime = "W. Europe Standard Time"

Heure standard d’Europe Ouest

W_MongoliaStandardTime = "W. Mongolia Standard Time"

Heure standard de Mongolie-Occidentale

WestAsiaStandardTime = "West Asia Standard Time"

Heure standard de l’Asie Ouest

WestBankStandardTime = "West Bank Standard Time"

Heure standard de la Cisjordanie

WestPacificStandardTime = "West Pacific Standard Time"

Heure standard du Pacifique Ouest

YakutskStandardTime = "Yakutsk Standard Time"

Heure standard de Yakutsk