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CoreWebView2WebResourceContext Enum

Specifies the web resource request contexts.

Name Value Description
All 0x0 Specifies all resources.
Document 0x1 Specifies a document resources.
Stylesheet 0x2 Specifies a CSS resources.
Image 0x3 Specifies an image resources.
Media 0x4 Specifies another media resource such as a video.
Font 0x5 Specifies a font resource.
Script 0x6 Specifies a script resource.
XmlHttpRequest 0x7 Specifies an XML HTTP request, Fetch and EventSource HTTP communication.
Fetch 0x8 Specifies a Fetch API communication.

Note that this isn't working. Fetch API requests are fired as a part of COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_XML_HTTP_REQUEST.| |TextTrack | 0x9 | Specifies a TextTrack resource.| |EventSource | 0xa | Specifies an EventSource API communication.

Note that this isn't working. EventSource API requests are fired as a part of COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_XML_HTTP_REQUEST.| |Websocket | 0xb | Specifies a WebSocket API communication.| |Manifest | 0xc | Specifies a Web App Manifest.| |SignedExchange | 0xd | Specifies a Signed HTTP Exchange.| |Ping | 0xe | Specifies a Ping request.| |CspViolationReport | 0xf | Specifies a CSP Violation Report.| |Other | 0x10 | Specifies an other resource.|

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