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Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.dragonflaming

minecraft:behavior.dragonflaming compels this entity to use a flame-breath attack. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Name Default Value Type Description
cooldown_time 10 Decimal Time (in seconds), after roar, to breath flame.
flame_time 0.5 Decimal Time (in seconds), after roar, to breath flame.
ground_flame_count 4 Integer Number of ground flame-breath attacks to use before flight-takeoff.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
roar_time 2 Decimal Time (in seconds) to roar, before breathing flame.


"minecraft:behavior.dragonflaming": {
    "cooldown_time": 10,
    "flame_time": 0.5,
    "ground_flame_count": 4,
    "roar_time": 2

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.dragonflaming": {
    "priority": 1

Vanilla entities using dragonflaming