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Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.swim_with_entity

minecraft:behavior.swim_with_entity compels the entity follow another entity when both entities are swimming in water.


Name Default Value Type Description
catch_up_multiplier 2.5 Decimal The multiplier this entity's speed is modified by when matching another entity's direction.
catch_up_threshold 12 Decimal Distance, from the entity being followed, at which this entity will speed up to reach that entity.
chance_to_stop 0.0333 Decimal Percent chance to stop following the current entity, if they're riding another entity or they're not swimming. 1.0 = 100%.
entity_types JSON Object Filters which types of entities are valid to follow.
match_direction_threshold 2 Decimal Distance, from the entity being followed, at which this entity will try to match that entity's direction.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
search_range 20 Decimal Radius around this entity to search for another entity to follow.
speed_multiplier 1.5 Decimal The multiplier this entity's speed is modified by when trying to catch up to the entity being followed.
state_check_interval 0.5 Decimal Time (in seconds) between checks to determine if this entity should catch up to the entity being followed or match the direction of the entity being followed.
stop_distance 5 Decimal Distance, from the entity being followed, at which this entity will stop following that entity.
success_rate 0.1 Decimal Percent chance to start following another entity, if not already doing so. 1.0 = 100%.


"minecraft:behavior.swim_with_entity": {
    "priority": 4,
    "success_rate": 0.1,
    "chance_to_stop": 0.0333,
    "catch_up_threshold": 12.0,
    "match_direction_threshold": 2.0,
    "catch_up_multiplier": 2.5,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.5,
    "search_range": 20.0,
    "state_check_interval": 0.5,
    "stop_distance": 5.0,
    "entity_types": [
        "filters": { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "player" }

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.swim_with_entity": {
    "priority": 4,
    "success_rate": 0.1,
    "chance_to_stop": 0.0333,
    "state_check_interval": 0.5,
    "catch_up_threshold": 12.0,
    "match_direction_threshold": 2.0,
    "catch_up_multiplier": 2.5,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.5,
    "search_range": 20.0,
    "stop_distance": 5.0,
    "entity_types": [
        "filters": { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "player" }

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.swim_with_entity