Extraits de code : Algorithme QuickXorHash

Explication de l’algorithme

Algorithme de hachage non chiffré rapide et simple qui fonctionne en appliquant un OUX aux octets de façon circulaire.

Voici une description générale de l’algorithme sans tenir compte de la longueur :

Imaginons qu’un « bloc » est un tableau de 20 octets.

   method block zero():
     returns a block with all zero bits.

   method block reverse(block b)
     returns a block with all of the bytes reversed (00010203... => ...03020100)

   method block extend8(byte b):
     returns a block with all zero bits except for the lower 8 bits which come from b.

   method block extend64(int64 i):
     returns a block of all zero bits except for the lower 64 bits which come from i
     and are in little-endian byte order.

   method block rotate(block bl, int n):
     returns bl rotated left by n bits.

   method block xor(block bl1, block bl2):
     returns a bitwise xor of bl1 with bl2

   method block XorHash0(byte[] rgb):
     block ret = zero()
     for (int i = 0; i < rgb.Length; i ++)
       ret = xor(ret, rotate(extend8(rgb[i]), i * 11))
     returns reverse(ret)

   entrypoint block XorHash(byte[] rgb):
     returns xor(extend64(rgb.Length), XorHash0(rgb))

Le hachage finale doit appliquer OUX à la longueur des données avec les bits moins importants du bloc obtenu.

Exemple de code : C-Sharp

L’exemple d’implémentation suivant peut également être téléchargé.

public class QuickXorHash : System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm
    private const int BitsInLastCell = 32;
    private const byte Shift = 11;
    private const int Threshold = 600;
    private const byte WidthInBits = 160;

    private UInt64[] _data;
    private Int64 _lengthSoFar;
    private int _shiftSoFar;

    public QuickXorHash()

    protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize)
            int currentShift = this._shiftSoFar;

            // The bitvector where we'll start xoring
            int vectorArrayIndex = currentShift / 64;

            // The position within the bit vector at which we begin xoring
            int vectorOffset = currentShift % 64;
            int iterations = Math.Min(cbSize, QuickXorHash.WidthInBits);

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                bool isLastCell = vectorArrayIndex == this._data.Length - 1;
                int bitsInVectorCell = isLastCell ? QuickXorHash.BitsInLastCell : 64;

                // There's at least 2 bitvectors before we reach the end of the array
                if (vectorOffset <= bitsInVectorCell - 8)
                    for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
                        this._data[vectorArrayIndex] ^= (ulong)array[j] << vectorOffset;
                    int index1 = vectorArrayIndex;
                    int index2 = isLastCell ? 0 : (vectorArrayIndex + 1);
                    byte low = (byte)(bitsInVectorCell - vectorOffset);

                    byte xoredByte = 0;
                    for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
                        xoredByte ^= array[j];
                    this._data[index1] ^= (ulong)xoredByte << vectorOffset;
                    this._data[index2] ^= (ulong)xoredByte >> low;
                vectorOffset += QuickXorHash.Shift;
                while (vectorOffset >= bitsInVectorCell)
                    vectorArrayIndex = isLastCell ? 0 : vectorArrayIndex + 1;
                    vectorOffset -= bitsInVectorCell;

            // Update the starting position in a circular shift pattern
            this._shiftSoFar = (this._shiftSoFar + QuickXorHash.Shift * (cbSize % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)) % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;

        this._lengthSoFar += cbSize;

    protected override byte[] HashFinal()
        // Create a byte array big enough to hold all our data
        byte[] rgb = new byte[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 8 + 1];

        // Block copy all our bitvectors to this byte array
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < this._data.Length - 1; i++)
                BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[i]), 0,
                rgb, i * 8,

            BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[this._data.Length - 1]), 0,
            rgb, (this._data.Length - 1) * 8,
            rgb.Length - (this._data.Length - 1) * 8);

        // XOR the file length with the least significant bits
        // Note that GetBytes is architecture-dependent, so care should
        // be taken with porting. The expected value is 8-bytes in length in little-endian format
        var lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this._lengthSoFar);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lengthBytes.Length == 8);
        for (int i = 0; i < lengthBytes.Length; i++)
            rgb[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits / 8) - lengthBytes.Length + i] ^= lengthBytes[i];

        return rgb;

    public override sealed void Initialize()
        this._data = new ulong[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 64 + 1];
        this._shiftSoFar = 0;
        this._lengthSoFar = 0;

    public override int HashSize
            return QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;