If a domain master browser server is demoted from a primary domain controller (PDC) to a backup domain controller (BDC), it performs the following actions:
The server MUST unregister the NetBIOS unique name <domain>[0x1D].
The server MUST disable advertising of the domain master service as specified in [MS-SRVS] section, passing SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER as the input parameter.
The server MUST unregister the NetBIOS unique name <domain>[0x1B] as part of the demotion of a PDC, as specified in [MS-ADTS] section 6.3.4 (NetBIOS Broadcast and NBNS Background).
The server MUST cancel the Local Master Browser Server Expiration Timer.
The server MUST initialize the Master List of Servers to an empty list.
The server MUST initialize the Master List of Machine Groups to an empty list.
The server MUST initialize the Local Master Browser Servers List to an empty list.
Upon completion of these actions, the server is no longer a domain master browser server. The server MUST then force an election by sending a RequestElection frame as specified in section