RpcGetPrintProcessorDirectory (Opnum 16)
RpcGetPrintProcessorDirectory retrieves the path for the print processor on the specified server.
DWORD RpcGetPrintProcessorDirectory( [in, string, unique] STRING_HANDLE pName, [in, string, unique] wchar_t* pEnvironment, [in] DWORD Level, [in, out, unique, size_is(cbBuf), disable_consistency_check] BYTE* pPrintProcessorDirectory, [in] DWORD cbBuf, [out] DWORD* pcbNeeded );
pName: This parameter MUST adhere to the parameter specification in Print Server Name Parameters, section
pEnvironment: This parameter MUST adhere to the parameter specification in Environment Name Parameters, section
Level: The value of this parameter MUST be 0x00000001.
pPrintProcessorDirectory: This parameter MAY be NULL if cbBuf equals zero; otherwise, it is a pointer to BUFFER as specified in String Query Parameters, section
cbBuf: This parameter MUST adhere to the parameter specification in String Query Parameters, section
pcbNeeded: This parameter MUST adhere to the parameter specification in String Query Parameters, section
Return Values: This method MUST return zero (ERROR_SUCCESS) to indicate successful completion or a nonzero Windows error code to indicate failure [MS-ERREF].
Upon receiving this message, the server MUST validate parameters as follows:
Perform the validation steps that are specified in Print Server Name Parameters, section
Perform the validation steps that are specified in Environment Name Parameters, section
Perform the validation steps that are specified in String Query Parameters, section
Additional validation MAY<373> be performed.
If parameter validation fails, the server MUST fail the operation immediately and return a nonzero error response to the client. Otherwise, the server MUST process the message and compose a response to the client as follows:
Using the path of the print processor directory on the print server, perform the processing and response steps specified in String Query Parameters, section
Return the status of the operation.