Partager via RPC_PrintPropertyValue

The RPC_PrintPropertyValue structure specifies the value of a Job Named Property (section 3.1.1).<80>

 typedef struct {
   RPC_EPrintPropertyType ePropertyType;
   [switch_is(ePropertyType)] union {
     [case(kRpcPropertyTypeString)] [string] 
       wchar_t* propertyString;
     [case(kRpcPropertyTypeInt32)] LONG propertyInt32;
     [case(kRpcPropertyTypeInt64)] LONGLONG propertyInt64;
     [case(kRpcPropertyTypeByte)] BYTE propertyByte;
     [case(kRpcPropertyTypeBuffer)] struct {
       DWORD cbBuf;
       [size_is(cbBuf)] BYTE* pBuf;
     } propertyBlob;
   } value;
 } RPC_PrintPropertyValue;

ePropertyType: The type of the value. All enumeration values specified in section are valid.

propertyString: A pointer to a string containing the property value. Valid only if ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeString.

propertyInt32: The property value as a signed 32-bit integer. Valid only if ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeInt32.

propertyInt64: The property value as a signed 64-bit integer. Valid only if ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeInt64.

propertyByte: The property value as a byte. Valid only if ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeByte.

propertyBlob: An embedded structure that describes the buffer containing the property value as an array of bytes. Valid only if ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeBuffer.

cbBuf: Member of the propertyBlob structure that specifies the length, in bytes, of the property value contained in the pBuf buffer when ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeBuffer.

pBuf: Member of the propertyBlob structure that contains a pointer to the buffer containing the property value when ePropertyType is set to kRpcPropertyTypeBuffer.