Partager via

= Command

Evaluates one or more expressions.

= Expression1 [, Expression2 ...]


  • Expression1[, Expression2...]
    Specifies the expression or expressions that the = command evaluates.


The = command evaluates one or more expressions, Expression1, Expression2 ..., and discards the return values. This option is particularly useful when a Visual FoxPro function or a user-defined function has a desired effect, but there is no need to assign the function's return value to a variable, array element, or field.

For example, to turn insert mode on, you can issue the following command:


INSMODE normally returns a True (.T.) or False (.F.) value. In the example above, the function is executed but the return value is discarded.

If only one expression (Expression1) is included, the equal sign is optional.


There are two unrelated uses for the equal sign (=). It can be used as an operator in logical expressions to make a comparison, or to assign values to variables and array elements. In these two cases, the equal sign (=) is an operator and not a command. See Relational Operators for more information about using the equal sign (=) as an operator in logical expressions. See STORE Command for more information about using the equal sign (=) to assign values to variables and array elements.

See Also


EVALUATE( ) Function

INSMODE( ) Function

Relational Operators

STORE Command

ON KEY = Command

Other Resources

Commands (Visual FoxPro)