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Memory Management Classes


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Memory Management Classes (ATL).

These classes provide support for heap pointers, smart pointers, and other memory allocation routines.

  • CAutoPtr This class represents a smart pointer object.

  • CAutoPtrArray This class provides methods useful when constructing an array of smart pointers.

  • CAutoPtrList This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of smart pointers.

  • CAutoVectorPtr This class represents a smart pointer object using vector new and delete operators.

  • CComAllocator This class provides methods for managing memory using COM memory routines.

  • CComGITPtr This class provides methods for dealing with interface pointers and the global interface table (GIT).

  • CComHeap This class implements IAtlMemMgr using the COM memory allocation functions.

  • CComHeapPtr A smart pointer class for managing heap pointers.

  • CComPtr A smart pointer class for managing COM interface pointers.

  • CComPtrBase This class provides a basis for smart pointer classes using COM-based memory routines.

  • CComQIPtr A smart pointer class for managing COM interface pointers.

  • CCRTAllocator This class provides methods for managing memory using CRT memory routines.

  • CCRTHeap This class implements IAtlMemMgr using the CRT heap functions.

  • CGlobalHeap This class implements IAtlMemMgr using the Win32 global heap functions.

  • CHandle This class provides methods for creating and using a handle object.

  • CHeapPtr A smart pointer class for managing heap pointers.

  • CHeapPtrBase This class forms the basis for several smart heap pointer classes.

  • CHeapPtrList This class provides methods useful when constructing a list of heap pointers.

  • CLocalHeap This class implements IAtlMemMgr using the Win32 local heap functions.

  • CWin32Heap This class implements IAtlMemMgr using the Win32 heap allocation functions.

  • IAtlMemMgr This class represents the interface to a memory manager.

See Also

Class Overview