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Report Band Properties Dialog Box

Makes it possible for you to set properties and options for a band in a report or label page layout.

This dialog box appears when you choose Properties from the context menu of a report band separator; when you double-click on a report band separator; or when you double-click on the band name in the Edit Bands Dialog Box.


Depending on the setting of the _REPORTBUILDER system variable, this dialog may be replaced by an alternative user interface. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

Report band layout options

  • Height
    Specifies the height of the band. The report band height determines the amount of space each report band uses on the page within the page margins. When selecting a height value by clicking the Height arrows, values change in increments of .05 in the measurement unit set for the ruler/grid. For more information, see How to: Configure the Page Layout Grid for Reports.

    For example, if the Title band is set at half an inch, information in the Title band appears in the first half inch of the page after the top margin.


    When adding items to a report band, you might need to change the report band height to accommodate its contents. As a guide to determine the height, use the ruler to the left of the band. The ruler's measurement is specific to the height of the band and does not include the page margins.


    When reducing the height of a band, you cannot make a band shorter than the height of the controls in the layout. If controls in the band prevent you from resizing the band, move the controls in the band and then reduce the height.

  • Constant band height
    Prevents the band from stretching to fit lengthy data or adjusting for blank lines that have been removed.

Run expression

Specifies expressions to evaluate when processing the report band.

  • On entry
    Specifies an expression to evaluate before processing the band. To build an expression, click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Expression Builder. For more information, see Expression Builder Dialog Box.

  • On exit
    Specifies an expression to evaluate after processing the band. To build an expression, click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Expression Builder. For more information, see Expression Builder Dialog Box.

Detail Band Properties

Specifies options for the Detail band or Detail band set. A Detail band set includes its associated header and footer bands, if they have been specified.

Important Note:

The options listed above Target alias in the following group do not apply unless you specify at least one of the detail band conditions new in Visual FoxPro 9: the band set must include a header and footer, or it must have an assigned target alias, or there must be more than one detail band in the report. If none of these conditions exist, the report runs in backward compatibility mode and these options, which in previous versions applied only to group bands, are not evaluated for the report's detail band.

  • Start on a new column
    Starts a new column when the Detail band set changes. Selecting this check box makes it possible for you to create side-by-side Detail bands. Available only when the page layout contains more than one column.


    Column breaks occur before the Detail Header band, if any exist.

  • Start on a new page
    Starts a new page when the Detail band set changes.


    Page breaks occur before the Detail Header band, if any exist.

  • Reset page number to 1 for each detail set
    Starts a new page and restarts page numbering every time the detail band set changes.

  • Detail Header/Footer
    Specifies that separate Detail Header and Detail Footer bands exist for the detail band, comprising a detail band set.

  • Reprint detail header on each page
    Specifies that the Detail Header follow the Page Header on all pages for the Detail band when the Detail band spans more than one page.

  • Start detail set on new page when less than
    Sets the minimum distance from the page bottom that must be available to prevent a detail band set from being forced to render on a new page.

  • Target alias
    Specifies a target alias expression for the Detail band. To build an expression, click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Expression Builder. For more information, see Expression Builder Dialog Box.


    Remember to enclose a simple table name or cursor alias in quotation marks ("") to ensure the expression evaluates correctly. Values without quotation marks will be interpreted as a variable or field containing the alias value.

    Refer to How to: Specify Target Aliases for Detail Bands and Working with Related Tables using Multiple Detail Bands in Reports. for more information.

See Also


Working with Related Tables using Multiple Detail Bands in Reports

Report Bands

Other Resources

Working with Report Bands

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)