Partager via

Graph Object Foundation Class



Default Catalog

Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\Automation



Base Class


Class Library


Parent Class





This custom class generates a chart by automating MS Graph using the core Graph Wizard engine.

To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a form, Visual FoxPro opens a builder so you can specify the cOutputfile, nChartType, lAddLegend, and lSeriesByRow values. You can also use the autograph class and supply values for fields, chart type, the preview form, and default name in program code. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes for more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods


aDataFields[1,1] property

Specifies the name of a numeric field in the target table (the "Y" axis value).

Default: .F.

cCategoryField property

Specifies a field in the target table (the "X" axis).

Default: .F.

cOutFile property

Name of the output file if any.

Default: ""

cTitle property

Title caption of the chart.

Default: ""

lCurrRec property

Specifies whether to retain the current record number, if only graphing one record.


lAddedData property

Flags if data is already added for performance.

Default: .F.

lAddLegend property

Adds a legend to the chart.

Default: .T.

lAddTitle property

Adds a title to the chart.


lGraphRecord property

Specifies whether to graph the current record. The default graphs the entire cursor.

Default: .F.

lKeepForm property

Specifies whether to use the user-supplied form and OLE control.

Default: .F

lSeriesByRow property

Plots a series by row or column.

Default: .T.

lShowNulls property

Displays null values in the chart.

Default: .T.

lShowWhenDone property

Specifies whether to display a preview of the form.

Default: .T.

lUse8Type property

Specifies whether to use the nChartType property.

Default: .F.

lUseAutoformat property

Use the MS Graph autocharting gallery.


nAction property

Specifies the type of output action:

0 = preview1 = save to form2 = save to table3 = save to query

Default: 1

nChartAutoformat property

Chart format for autoformat.

Default: 2

nChartAutoGallery property

Gallery chart format for autoformat.

Default: 1

nChartSubType property

Sub type of chart.

Default: 1

nChartType property

Specifies the chart type. The valid values are:

1 = Area2 = Bar3 = Column4 = Line5 = Pie6 = Doughnut7 = Radar8 = Scatter9 = Area 3D10 = Bar 3D11 = Column 3D12 = Line 3D13 = Pie 3D -4102 = Pie 3D

Default: 1

nGraphVersion property

Version of Graph being used.

Default: 5

cDefNewField property

Internal to the class.

cGraphDBF property

Internal to the class.

cGraphField property

Internal to the class.

cGraphFldCol property

Internal to the class.

cGraphFldRow property

Internal to the class.

cGraphPrevClass property

Internal to the class.

cLastDataCol property

Internal to the class.

cLastDataRow property

Internal to the class.

cOLEServer property

Internal to the class.

cOpenAlias property

Internal to the class.

cOutGenField property

Internal to the class.

GraphPreview property

Internal to the class.

lAutograph property

Internal to the class.

lDontStripLegend property

Internal to the class.

lHadPreview property

Internal to the class.

lReplaceDBF property

Internal to the class.

lStripExcessLegend property

Internal to the class.

nDataCount property

Internal to the class.

nDataSeries property

Internal to the class.

nLastAction property

Internal to the class.

nTotalDataFlds property

Internal to the class.

oGraphRef property

Internal to the class.

See Also


Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes


Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z

Other Resources

Foundation Class Samples