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Windows CardSpace (ex-InfoCard)

Windows CardSpace est un composant de Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 (ex-WinFX) qui apporte une expérience utilisateur cohérente requise par le métasystème d’identité. Windows a été spécialement renforcé pour lutter contre toute altération et mystification. Et ce dans le but de préserver les identités digitales de l’utilisateur et d’en assurer la maîtrise par ce dernier.

CardSpace ou la gestion des identités et accès

Êtes-vous las de la gestion et de la sécurisation d'un ensemble toujours plus important de noms d'utilisateur et de mots de passe ? Êtes-vous las de remplir sans cesse des profils utilisateur pour des sites Web qui souhaitent glaner des informations personnelles vous concernant ? Aimeriez-vous faciliter la tâche des utilisateurs qui souhaitent se connecter à vos sites et services Web ? Êtes-vous préoccupé par le vol d'identité et le phishing ? Si tel est le cas, lisez ce qui suit. Je vais présenter une nouvelle couche d'identité pour Internet, qui sera exposée aux utilisateurs via une interface utilisateur dont le nom est « CardSpace » (ex-InfoCard).

Introducing Windows CardSpace

This article introduces the set of new Windows capabilities called Windows CardSpace, which provides a standards-based solution for working with and managing diverse digital identities.

A First Look at Windows CardSpace

Windows CardSpace wraps up the who of who you are while keeping your private information private. It may well revolutionize business on the Web.

A Deeper Look at Windows CardSpace
In this Security Briefs, Keith Brown drills into Windows CardSpace and demonstrates how to create a relying party and a client.
Video: Windows CardSpace Explained

Ever wonder what Windows CardSpace is all about? Nigel Watling (Technical Evangelist) and Andy Harjanto (Program Manager) explain it in this Channel 9 video with a lot of time spent on the whiteboard.

Getting Started with Windows CardSpace

Step by step instruction on how to add Windows CardSpace to your website, how to issue your own managed cards, how to build web services that authenticate users with Windows CardSpace and how to decrypt security tokens.

The Laws of Identity
Defining a set of fundamental principles to which any universally adopted, sustainable identity architecture must conform, the "Laws of Identity" were proposed, debated, and refined through an open and continuing dialogue on the Internet.
Microsoft's Vision for an Identity Metasystem
The Identity Metasystem is an interoperable architecture for digital identity that assumes people will have several digital identities based on multiple underlying technologies, implementations, and providers.
Channel 9 Interviews Kim Cameron
The folks from Channel 9 talk to Kim Cameron about identity.
The Identity Blog
Check out Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog where he discusses the Laws of Identity and other topics around Web services and identification.
A Guide to Integrating with Windows CardSpace v1.0
Learn how digital identities can be integrated into a user-centric identity framework, based on the concept of an Identity Metasystem, which promotes interoperability between identity providers and relying parties with the user in control.
A Technical Reference for Windows CardSpace v1.0 in Windows
A technical reference for the schema employed by and the mechanisms implemented in the Windows client Windows CardSpace system.
A Guide to Supporting Windows CardSpace v1.0 within Web Applications and Browsers
Learn about the web interfaces utilized by browsers and web applications that support the Identity Metasystem. The information in this document is not specific to any one browser or platform.