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FlexJustify Enum


Enumerates values that describe how child elements are justified when there is extra space around them.

public enum FlexJustify
type FlexJustify = 


Center 2

Indicates that child elements will be grouped toward the center of the parent.

End 4

Indicates that child elements will be justified to the end of the line.

SpaceAround 6

Indicates that child elements will be spaced with one unit of space at the beginning and end, and two units of space between them, so that the elements and the space fill the line.

SpaceBetween 5

Indicates that child elements will be spaced with equal space between units and no space at either end of the line, so that the elements and the space fill the line.

SpaceEvenly 7

Indicates that child elements will be spaced to have the same space between each element as there is between the beginning and end elements and the nearest edges of the parent.

Start 3

Indicates that child elements will be justified to the start of the line.

Applies to