Comment : chaîner des appels asynchrones avec une méthode de service Web

Cette rubrique est spécifique à une technologie existante. Les services Web XML et les clients du service Web XML doivent à présent être créés à l'aide de Windows Communication Foundation.

L'exemple de code suivant montre comment chaîner des appels asynchrones lorsqu'une méthode de service Web fait plusieurs appels asynchrones et que les appels doivent s'exécuter séquentiellement. La méthode BeginGetAuthorRoyalties fait un appel asynchrone pour déterminer si l'auteur passé est valide et configure un rappel intermédiaire nommé AuthorRoyaltiesCallback pour recevoir les résultats. Ce rappel intermédiaire appelle ensuite de façon asynchrone pour recevoir les droits d'auteur pour cet auteur, si l'auteur est valide.


using System.Web.Services;
using System.Data;
using System;
// This imports the proxy class for the Web services
// that the sample communicates with.
using AsyncWS.localhost;

namespace AsyncWS
    public class MyService : System.Web.Services.WebService
        public RemoteService remoteService;
        public MyService()
           remoteService = new RemoteService();

        public IAsyncResult BeginGetAuthorRoyalties(String Author,
               AsyncCallback callback, Object asyncState) 
          // Saves the current state for the call that gets the author's
          // royalties.
          AsyncStateChain state = new AsyncStateChain();
          state.originalState = asyncState;
          state.Author = Author;
          state.originalCallback = callback;

          // Creates an intermediary callback.
          AsyncCallback chainedCallback = new
          return remoteService.BeginGetAuthors(chainedCallback,state);
       // Intermediate method to handle chaining the 
       // asynchronous calls.
       public void AuthorRoyaltiesCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
          AsyncStateChain state = (AsyncStateChain)ar.AsyncState;
          RemoteService rs = new RemoteService();

          // Gets the result from the call to GetAuthors.
          Authors allAuthors = rs.EndGetAuthors(ar);

          Boolean found = false;
          // Verifies that the requested author is valid.
          int i = 0;
          DataRow row;
          while (i < allAuthors.authors.Rows.Count && !found)
             row = allAuthors.authors.Rows[i];
             if (row["au_lname"].ToString() == state.Author) 
                found = true;
          if (found)
             AsyncCallback cb = state.originalCallback;
             // Calls the second Web service, because the author is
             // valid.
            // Cannot throw the exception in this function or the XML Web
            // service will hang. So, set the state argument to the
            // exception and let the End method of the chained XML Web
            // service check for it.  
            ArgumentException ex = new ArgumentException(
              "Author does not exist.","Author");
            AsyncCallback cb = state.originalCallback;
            // Call the second Web service, setting the state to an
            // exception.

       public AuthorRoyalties EndGetAuthorRoyalties(IAsyncResult
        // Check whehter the first Web service threw an exception.
        if (asyncResult.AsyncState is ArgumentException)
          throw (ArgumentException) asyncResult.AsyncState;
         return remoteService.EndReturnedStronglyTypedDS(asyncResult);
    // Class to wrap the callback and state for the intermediate
    // asynchronous operation.
    public class AsyncStateChain 
       public AsyncCallback originalCallback;
       public Object originalState;
       public String Author;
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Data
Imports System
' This imports the proxy class for the Web services
' that the sample communicates with.
Imports AsyncWS_VB.localhost

Namespace AsyncWs

<WebService(Namespace:="")> _
Public Class MyService
    Inherits WebService
    Public remoteService As remoteService
    Public Sub New()
        remoteService = New localhost.RemoteService()
    End Sub
    ' Defines the Begin method.
    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Function BeginGetAuthorRoyalties(ByVal Author As String, _
    ByVal callback As AsyncCallback, ByVal asyncState As Object) _
                    As IAsyncResult
        ' Saves the current state for the call that gets the author's
        ' royalties.
        Dim state As AsyncStateChain = New AsyncStateChain()
        state.originalState = asyncState
        state.Author = Author
        state.originalCallback = callback

        ' Creates an intermediary callback.
        Dim chainedCallback As AsyncCallback = New AsyncCallback( _
           AddressOf AuthorRoyaltiesCallback)
        ' Begin asynchronous communictation with a different XML Web
        ' service.
        Return remoteService.BeginGetAuthors(chainedCallback, state)
    End Function

    ' Intermediate method to handle chaining the asynchronous calls.
    Public Sub AuthorRoyaltiesCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
        Dim state As AsyncStateChain = CType(ar.AsyncState, _
        Dim rs As RemoteService = New RemoteService()

        ' Gets the result from the call to GetAuthors.
        Dim allAuthors As Authors = rs.EndGetAuthors(ar)
        Dim found As Boolean = False

        ' Verifies that the requested author is valid.
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim row As DataRow
        While (i < allAuthors.authors.Rows.Count And (Not found))
            row = allAuthors.authors.Rows(i)
            If (row("au_lname").ToString() = state.Author) Then
                found = True
            End If
            i = i + 1
        End While
        If (found) Then
            Dim cb As AsyncCallback = state.originalCallback
            ' Calls the second Web service, because the author is
            ' valid.
            rs.BeginReturnedStronglyTypedDS(state.Author, cb, state)
          ' Cannot throw the exception in this function or the XML Web
          ' service will hang.  So, set the state argument to the
          ' exception and let the End method of the chained XML Web
          ' service check for it.  
            Dim ex As ArgumentException = New ArgumentException( _ 
                "Author does not exist.", "Author")
            Dim cb As AsyncCallback = state.originalCallback
            ' Call the second Web service, setting the state to an
            ' exception.
            rs.BeginReturnedStronglyTypedDS(state.Author, cb, ex)
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Define the End method.
    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Function EndGetAuthorRoyalties(ByVal asyncResult As _
            IAsyncResult) As localhost.AuthorRoyalties
        ' Return the asynchronous result from the other Web service.
        Return remoteService.EndReturnedStronglyTypedDS(asyncResult)
    End Function

End Class

' Class to wrap the callback and state for the intermediate asynchronous
' operation.
Public Class AsyncStateChain
   Public originalCallback As AsyncCallback
   Public originalState As Object
   Public Author As String
End Class
End Namespace

Voir aussi


Comment : créer des méthodes de service Web asynchrones


Méthodes de service Web XML asynchrones
Communications asynchrones avec les services Web XML

Autres ressources

Services Web XML utilisant ASP.NET