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OrganizationServiceContext Members

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Represents the runtime context of the data service that is used to track Microsoft Dynamics CRM entities and that sends and receives entities from the server.

The following tables list the members exposed by the OrganizationServiceContext type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  OrganizationServiceContext Creates a new instance of the OrganizationServiceContext class.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property MergeOption Gets or sets the synchronization option for receiving entities from the Web service.
public property SaveChangesDefaultOptions Gets or sets the SaveChangesOptions values that are used by the SaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions) method.


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property QueryProvider Gets the query provider.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AddLink Adds the specified link to the set of objects the OrganizationServiceContext is tracking.
public method AddObject Adds the specified entity to the set of entities that the OrganizationServiceContext is tracking.
public method AddRelatedObject Adds a related entity to the OrganizationServiceContext and creates the link that defines the relationship between the two entities in a single request.
public method Attach Notifies the OrganizationServiceContext to start tracking the specified entity.
public method AttachLink Notifies the OrganizationServiceContext to start tracking the specified link that defines a relationship between entity objects.
public method ClearChanges Clears all tracking of entities by the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method CreateQuery Overloaded. Creates a web service .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) query for the specified entity.
public method DeleteLink Changes the state of the link to deleted in the list of links being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method DeleteObject Overloaded. Changes the state of the specified entity to be deleted in the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method Detach Overloaded. Removes the entity from the set of entities that the OrganizationServiceContext is tracking.
public method DetachLink Removes the specified link from the list of links being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method Dispose Overloaded. Disposes of the service context.
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method Execute Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
public method GetAttachedEntities Gets an enumerable collection of the entities attached to the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method IsAttached Overloaded. Determines whether an entity or an entity relationship is attached and therefore being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
public method IsDeleted Overloaded. Determines whether an entity or an entity relationship has been deleted.
public method LoadProperty Overloaded. Loads deferred content for a specified property from the web service.
public method SaveChanges Overloaded. Saves the changes that the OrganizationServiceContext is tracking to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
public method UpdateObject Overloaded. Changes the state of the specified entity in the OrganizationServiceContext to Modified.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method CreateQuery Overloaded. Creates a web service .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) query for the specified entity.
protected method Dispose Overloaded. Disposes of the service context.
protected method Finalize Overridden. Destructor for the OrganizationServiceContext class.
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method OnBeginEntityTracking Virtual (Overridable) method called when entity tracking begins.
protected method OnBeginLinkTracking Virtual (Overridable) method called when link tracking begins.
protected method OnEndEntityTracking Virtual (Overridable) method called after entity tracking ends.
protected method OnEndLinkTracking Virtual (Overridable) method called after link tracking ends.
protected method OnExecute Overloaded. Virtual (Overridable) methods called after Execute is called.
protected method OnExecuting Virtual (Overridable) method called before Execute is called.
protected method OnSaveChanges Virtual (Overridable) method called after an attempt to save data changes.
protected method OnSavingChanges Virtual (Overridable) method called before an attempt to save changes is performed.


See Also


OrganizationServiceContext Class
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client Namespace

Other Resources

Create Early-Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)
Use the Early Bound Entity Classes for Create, Update, and Delete
Use the Early Bound Entity Classes to Add or Update Associations Between Related Records
Sample: Use the Organization Service Context

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