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Exemple : extraire des autorisations de champ


Date de publication : novembre 2016

S’applique à : Dynamics CRM 2015

Cet exemple de code est pour Mise à jour de Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 et de Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015.Téléchargez le package Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) de Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Il se trouve à l'emplacement suivant dans le package de téléchargement :


Configuration requise

Pour plus d'informations sur les conditions requises pour l'exécution de l'exemple de code fourni dans ce Kit de développement logiciel (SDK), consultez la rubrique Utiliser l’exemple de code et le code d’assistance.


Cet exemple montre comment extraire des champs sécurisés pour un utilisateur en suivant la procédure décrite dans Entités de sécurité de champs.


// Connect to the Organization service. 
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.


    // Create Field Security Profile.
    FieldSecurityProfile managersProfile = new FieldSecurityProfile();
    managersProfile.Name = "Managers";
    _profileId = _serviceProxy.Create(managersProfile);
    Console.Write("Created Profile, ");

    // Add team to profile.
    AssociateRequest teamToProfile = new AssociateRequest()
        Target = new EntityReference(FieldSecurityProfile.EntityLogicalName,
        RelatedEntities = new EntityReferenceCollection()
            new EntityReference(Team.EntityLogicalName, _teamId)
        Relationship = new Relationship("teamprofiles_association")

    // Add user to the profile.
    AssociateRequest userToProfile = new AssociateRequest()
        Target = new EntityReference(FieldSecurityProfile.EntityLogicalName,
        RelatedEntities = new EntityReferenceCollection()
            new EntityReference(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName, _userId)
        Relationship = new Relationship("systemuserprofiles_association")

    // Create custom activity entity.
    CreateEntityRequest req = new CreateEntityRequest()
        Entity = new EntityMetadata
            LogicalName = "new_tweet",
            DisplayName = new Label("Tweet", 1033),
            DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Tweet", 1033),
            OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
            SchemaName = "New_Tweet",
            IsActivity = true,
            IsAvailableOffline = true,
            IsAuditEnabled = new BooleanManagedProperty(true),
            IsMailMergeEnabled = new BooleanManagedProperty(false),
        HasActivities = false,
        HasNotes = true,
        PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata()
            SchemaName = "Subject",
            LogicalName = "subject",
            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(
            MaxLength = 100,
            DisplayName = new Label("Subject", 1033)
    Console.Write("Entity Created, ");

    // Add privileges for the Tweet entity to the Marketing Role.
    RolePrivilege[] privileges = new RolePrivilege[3];

    // SDK: prvCreateActivity
    privileges[0] = new RolePrivilege();
    privileges[0].PrivilegeId = new Guid("{091DF793-FE5E-44D4-B4CA-7E3F580C4664}");
    privileges[0].Depth = PrivilegeDepth.Global;

    // SDK: prvReadActivity
    privileges[1] = new RolePrivilege();
    privileges[1].PrivilegeId = new Guid("{650C14FE-3521-45FE-A000-84138688E45D}");
    privileges[1].Depth = PrivilegeDepth.Global;

    // SDK: prvWriteActivity
    privileges[2] = new RolePrivilege();
    privileges[2].PrivilegeId = new Guid("{0DC8F72C-57D5-4B4D-8892-FE6AAC0E4B81}");
    privileges[2].Depth = PrivilegeDepth.Global;

    // Create and execute the request.
    AddPrivilegesRoleRequest request = new AddPrivilegesRoleRequest()
        RoleId = _roleId,
        Privileges = privileges
    AddPrivilegesRoleResponse response =

    // Create custom identity attribute.
    CreateAttributeRequest attrReq = new CreateAttributeRequest()
        Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata()
            LogicalName = "new_identity",
            DisplayName = new Label("Identity", 1033),
            SchemaName = "New_Identity",
            MaxLength = 500,
            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(
            IsSecured = true
        EntityName = "new_tweet"
    CreateAttributeResponse identityAttributeResponse =
    _identityId = identityAttributeResponse.AttributeId;
    Console.Write("Identity Created, ");

    // Create custom message attribute.
    attrReq = new CreateAttributeRequest()
        Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata()
            LogicalName = "new_message",
            DisplayName = new Label("Message", 1033),
            SchemaName = "New_Message",
            MaxLength = 140,
            RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(
            IsSecured = true
        EntityName = "new_tweet"
    CreateAttributeResponse messageAttributeResponse =
    _messageId = messageAttributeResponse.AttributeId;
    Console.Write("Message Created, ");

    // Create field permission object for Identity.
    FieldPermission identityPermission = new FieldPermission();
    identityPermission.AttributeLogicalName = "new_identity";
    identityPermission.EntityName = "new_tweet";
    identityPermission.CanRead = new OptionSetValue(FieldPermissionType.Allowed);
    identityPermission.FieldSecurityProfileId = new EntityReference(
        FieldSecurityProfile.EntityLogicalName, _profileId);
    _identityPermissionId = _serviceProxy.Create(identityPermission);
    Console.Write("Permission Created, ");

    // Create list for storing retrieved profiles.
    List<Guid> profileIds = new List<Guid>();

    // Build query to obtain the field security profiles.
    QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression()
        EntityName = FieldSecurityProfile.EntityLogicalName,
        ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("fieldsecurityprofileid"),
        LinkEntities =
            new LinkEntity
                LinkFromEntityName = FieldSecurityProfile.EntityLogicalName,
                LinkToEntityName = SystemUser.EntityLogicalName,
                LinkCriteria = 
                    Conditions = 
                        new ConditionExpression("systemuserid", ConditionOperator.Equal, _userId)

    // Execute the query and obtain the results.
    RetrieveMultipleRequest rmRequest = new RetrieveMultipleRequest()
        Query = qe

    EntityCollection bec = ((RetrieveMultipleResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

    // Extract profiles from query result.
    foreach (FieldSecurityProfile profileEnt in bec.Entities)
    Console.Write("Profiles Retrieved, ");

    // Retrieve attribute permissions of a FieldSecurityProfile.
    DataCollection<Entity> dc;

    // Retrieve the attributes.
    QueryByAttribute qba = new QueryByAttribute(FieldPermission.EntityLogicalName);
    qba.AddAttributeValue("fieldsecurityprofileid", _profileId);
    qba.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("attributelogicalname");

    dc = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(qba).Entities;
    Console.Write("Attributes Retrieved. ");


Voir aussi

Comment la sécurité de champ permet de contrôler l’accès aux valeurs des champs dans Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015
Entités de sécurité de champs

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