Partager via



The latest version of this topic can be found at defaultcollelem.

Used for Visual Basic code optimization.




The defaultcollelem C++ attribute has the same functionality as the defaultcollelem MIDL attribute.


The following code shows an interface method using the defaultcollelem attribute:

// cpp_attr_ref_defaultcollelem.cpp  
// compile with: /LD  
#include <unknwn.h>  
[object, uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")]  
__interface IMyForm   
   [propget, id(1), bindable, defaultcollelem, displaybind,   
   defaultbind, requestedit] HRESULT P1([out, retval] long *nSize);  
   [propput, id(1), bindable, defaultcollelem, displaybind,   
   defaultbind, requestedit] HRESULT P1([in] long nSize);  


Attribute Context

Applies to Interface method
Repeatable No
Required attributes None
Invalid attributes None

For more information, see Attribute Contexts.

See Also

IDL Attributes
Method Attributes
Attributes Samples