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Basic Directory Search Technology Sample

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

This sample shows how to search for objects in Active Directory that belong to a specific object class and how to return the list of results in ascending alphabetical order.


This sample uses fictitious values and cannot be run until it is modified with real values.

For information about using the samples, see the following topics:

To customize the sample for your settings

  • Modify the following string variables with real values in the BasicDirectorySearch.cs or BasicDirectorySearch.vb file, depending on which version of the sample is being built:

    • domainADsPath - LDAP path to domain

    • username - user name for authentication to Active Directory

    • password - password for authentication to Active Directory

    • schemaClassNameToSearch - schema class name for which to print out information

To build the sample

  1. At a command prompt, navigate to the \DS\BasicDirectorySearch directory. Navigate to the CS or VB directory, depending on which version of the sample is being built. For information about required settings and the SDK Command Prompt, see How to: Set Sample Settings.

  2. Type msbuild basicdirectorysearch.sln at the command line.

To run the sample

  1. At a command prompt, navigate to the directory that contains the built executable file.

  2. Type basicdirectorysearch and press Enter.


This sample is a console application. You must start and run at a command prompt window to view its output.


This sample lists the following information:

  • Total number of results found

  • Total number of properties found

  • The name of each property

  • The Active Directory path, displayName property and name property for each search result

This sample demonstrates the following tasks:

  • How to instantiate an Active Directory DirectorySearcher object

  • How to instantiate a DirectoryEntry object, authenticating to Active Directory by providing a username and password

  • How to specify Active Directory search parameters such as Filter, PageSize, PropertiesLoad and SearchScope on a DirectorySearcher object

  • How to search Active Directory using the FindAll method of the DirectorySearcher object

  • How to access the results of an Active Directory search using the SearchResultCollection object