Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security Namespace
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
Class | Description | |
AndOperator |
Represents an operator that performs a logical-AND of its contained left and right expressions, but only evaluates its second expression if the first expression evaluates to true.
AnonymousExpression |
Represents the value of an IIdentity object whose IsAuthenticated property is false.
AnyExpression |
Represents an expression that evaluates to true for any specified principal.
AuthorizationFactory |
Static factory class used to get instances of a specified IAuthorizationProvider
AuthorizationOperationEventArgs |
Provides data for authorization events.
AuthorizationProvider |
Abstract implementation of the IAuthorizationProvider interface.
AuthorizationProviderCustomFactory |
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the general process to build an IAuthorizationProvider object given a concrete sublcass of AuthorizationProviderData.
AuthorizationProviderFactory |
Provides methods for the creation of IAuthorizationProvider instances.
AuthorizationRuleProvider |
Represents an authorization provider that evaluates boolean expressions to determine whether IPrincipal objects are authorized.
BooleanExpression |
Represents an operator, operand or expression that results in one of two values - true or false.
GuidToken |
Implementation of IToken for a Guid.
IdentityExpression |
Represents an expression that contains the name of an IIdentity.
LexicalAnalyzer |
Represents a lexical analyzer for boolean expressions.
NotOperator |
Represents the logical negation operator is a unary operator that negates its operand. It returns true if and only if its operand is false.
OrOperator |
Represents an operator that performs a logical-OR of its contained left and right expressions, but only evaluates its second expression if the first expression evaluates to true.
Parser |
Represents a parser for identity role rule expresssions.
ProjectInstaller |
Let the system know that the InstallUtil.exe tool will be run against this assembly
RoleExpression |
Represents an expression that contains the name of a role.
SecurityCacheFactory |
Static factory class used to get instances of a specified ISecurityCacheProvider
SecurityCacheProvider |
Abstract implementation of the ISecurityCacheProvider interface.
SecurityCacheProviderCustomFactory |
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the process to build an instance of ISecurityCacheProvider described by a SecurityCacheProviderData configuration object.
SecurityCacheProviderFactory |
Provides methods for the creation of ISecurityCacheProvider instances.
SecurityConfigurationView | Represents a view for navigating the SecuritySettings configuration data. |
SyntaxException |
The exception that is thrown when a syntax error is found in an identity role rule expression.
UserNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when Active Directory is unable to find the given user
WordExpression |
Represents a word value such as a role name or identity name.
Interface | Description | |
IAuthorizationProvider |
Defines the basic functionality of an authorization provider.
IAuthorizationRule |
Represents an authorization rule.
ISecurityCacheProvider |
Allows end users to implement their own Security Caches.
IToken |
Allows end users to implement their own tokens.
Enumeration | Description | |
SecurityEntityType |
The types of entities supported by Security.
TokenType |
Specifies the type of a token in an expression.
Retired Content |
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |