Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Utility Namespace
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Class | Description | |
AllocationException |
Represents an exception allocating storage.
ConstantStringResolver |
Resolves strings by returning a constant value.
DelegateStringResolver |
Resolves strings by invoking a delegate and returning the resulting value.
EnumerableExtensions |
Some utility extensions on IEnumerable<T> to supplement those available from Linq.
RecurringWorkScheduler |
Scheduler that wraps a timer.
ResourceStringResolver |
Resolves strings by retrieving them from assembly resources, falling back to a specified value.
ServiceLocatorExtensions |
Extension methods on IServiceLocator for convenience.
StorageAccessor |
Manages storage of entries to the application's Isolated Storage.
XamlActivator |
Creates instances of types from a partial type name using the XamlReader.
Interface | Description | |
IRecurringWorkScheduler |
This interface represents a task that will be run at recurring intervals.
IStringResolver |
Resolves string objects.