CfDehydratePlaceholder function
Dehydrates a placeholder file by ensuring that the specified byte range is not present on-disk in the placeholder. This is valid for files only.
void STDAPI CfDehydratePlaceholder(
_In_ HANDLE FileHandle,
_In_ LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset,
_In_ CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS DehydrateFlags,
_Inout_opt_ LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped
FileHandle [in]
A handle to the placeholder file.StartingOffset [in]
The starting point offset of the placeholder file data.Length [in]
The length, in bytes, of the placeholder file whose data must be invalidated locally on the disk after the API completes successfully. A length of -1 signifies end of file.DehydrateFlags [in]
Placeholder dehydration flags.Overlapped [in, out, optional]
When specified and combined with an asynchronous FileHandle, Overlapped allows the platform to perform the CfDehydratePlaceholder call asynchronously. See the Remarks for more details.If not specified, the platform will perform the API call synchronously, regardless of how the handle was created.
Return value
This function does not return a value.
The caller must acquire an exclusive handle to the file or data corruption can occur. To minimize the impact on user applications it is highly recommended that the caller obtain the exclusiveness using proper oplocks (via CfOpenFileWithOplock) as opposed to using a share-nothing handle.
If the API returns HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_IO_PENDING) when using Overlapped asynchronously, the caller can then wait using GetOverlappedResult.
Minimum supported client |
Windows 10, version 1709 [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only] |
Header |
CfApi.h |
Library |
CldApi.lib |
CldApi.dll |