Monitoring a New Enterprise Pool
Dernière rubrique modifiée : 2009-05-22
If you already have a Monitoring Server installed, and you want to use it to monitor an Enterprise pool that has not been previously monitored, you need to take some steps to configure the pool for monitoring.
- If the new pool is in a forest that does not already contain servers which are being monitored, you need to enable Call Detail Recording (CDR) logging in the forest. For details, see Configurer la journalisation des enregistrement des détails des appels in the Deploying Monitoring Server documentation.
- To enable Monitoring Server reports to be sent and received, you must open port 5069 on your Enterprise pool load balancers.
- You must install Message Queuing on each of the servers that are to be monitored. For details, see Installer Message Queuing sur les serveurs frontaux in the Deploying Monitoring Server documentation.
- You must associate the pool’s servers with the Monitoring Server. For details, see Associer un serveur de surveillance à des serveurs frontaux et de médiation in the Deploying Monitoring Server documentation.