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Extract Data for a Single Application

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Use the command-line tool MssDataFilter.exe to extract data for a single application from a Speech Server tuning database that contains data for multiple applications. This tool is intended for the scenario where a single computer running Speech Server hosts multiple speech applications for which different databases are required. It is not required when all the data from a single computer running Speech Server can be added to the same database.

To install Speech Server Log Tools, install Speech Server and select Data Processing Utilities. The default installation path for Speech Server Log Tools is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Speech Server\SDK.

To start MssDataFilter.exe

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

  2. At the command prompt, type cd /d %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Speech Server\SDK, and then press ENTER.

  3. Enter the appropriate MssDataFilter.exe syntax, and then press ENTER.

    To interrupt execution, press CTRL+C.


The MssDataFilter.exe tool assumes there is a valid schema in the source and target databases. If a database with a valid schema is not present, the following error can occur: "An error occurred during data filtering - Invalid object name 'dbo.Dates'.". For information about creating a valid tuning database, see Tuning Database.


When extracting data on a regular basis from the same source database, ensure that the new data to be extracted in the source database does not use row identifiers that have already been extracted. This is because the migration process uses row IDs to check what data is new since the last migration. Therefore, if the source database is purged after an extraction (for example, using MssDataPurge.exe), ensure that the /pre parameter is used with a value earlier than the latest set of instances in the source database. To be safe, leave at least 24 hours worth of the latest data in the database after a purge. Mismatching of row identifiers can also occur if data is re-imported into the source database after a purge and a data extraction is executed before and after the re-import.


[/username: value]


Parameter Description


Specifies the name of the application on which to filter. Only one value can be provided. (Short form: /a) Required.


Specifies the name of the source database. (Short form: /sd) Required.


Specifies the name of the database into which data is migrated. (Short form: /td) Required.


Specifies the network name of the SQL??Server host. If omitted, the local server is assumed. (Short form: /s) Optional.


Specifies the user name for SQL??Server authentication. (Short form: /u) Optional.

/password: value

Specifies the password for SQL??Server authentication. (Short form: /p) Optional.


Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for the SQL??Server connection. Defaults to 300 seconds. Optional.


Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for SQL commands that execute during the extract. Defaults to 900 seconds. Optional.


Specifies that communication with SQL??Server is not encrypted. By default, an encrypted protocol is used. Optional.


Specifies that the copyright message is suppressed. Optional.


Specifies that the file overwrite warning is suppressed. (Short form: /v) Optional.


Specifies that a message displaying usage help is displayed. (Short form: /h or /?) Optional.


Any argument with a space in it must be delimited with quotation marks.

See Also


Import Log Files into the Tuning Database

Other Resources

Management of Tuning Data
Speech Application Analysis and Tuning