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Administrator Console Error Messages

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As you use the Speech Server Administrator console, messages appear that explain activity of the Speech Server system. Some of the messages explain errors, conditions in which the system cannot perform as expected. The following table lists some of those error messages and what you can do to correct the situation.

Error Message Description Corrective Action

Certificates matching the required criteria could not be found. Please consult the documentation for criteria that a valid TLS certificate for Speech Server must satisfy.

No certificates are installed on the computer running Speech Server. This message appears when you select Select Certificate on the server properties to use secure SIP peer communications that use Mutual Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Install a valid certificate on the computer running Speech Server. For more information, see Certificates at Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter. For more information about the criteria for valid certificates and how to configure Speech Server for secure SIP peer communications, see How to: Set Up a Certificate for Secure SIP Peer Communication.

Logging could not be started on the server because one or more properties are invalid. Enable logging from the Trace Logging tab on the Server Properties page to display a message with more specific information.

Speech Server cannot start logging because the settings for logging are not valid. This message appears when you select Enable Trace Logging on the server shortcut menu. This problem can arise when specified path names in the log settings cannot be resolved.

  1. Double-click the computer on which you attempted to start logging.
  2. Click the Trace Logging tab, select Enable trace logging, and then click Apply.
    A message appears with more detailed information about the invalid settings.
  3. Correct the problem described in the message, select the Enable trace logging check box, and then click Apply.

Logging could not be stopped on the server because one or more properties are invalid. Disable logging from the Trace Logging tab on the Server Properties page to display a message with more specific information.

Speech Server cannot stop logging because the settings for logging are not valid. This error occurs when you select Disable Trace Logging on the server shortcut menu. This problem can arise when specified path names in the log settings cannot be resolved.

  1. Double-click the computer on which you attempted to start logging.
  2. Click the Trace Logging tab, clear Enable trace logging, and then click Apply.
    A message appears with more detailed information about the invalid settings.
  3. Correct the problem described in the message, clear the Enable trace logging check box, and then click Apply.

One or more trusted SIP peers of a different type already exist on the computer running Speech Server. You must delete the existing trusted SIP peers on the server to add a trusted SIP peer of this type.

Speech Server does not support accepting calls from both default type SIP peers and TIMC. This error occurs when you add a trusted SIP peer (either default or TIMC) to a computer running Speech Server that already trusts a SIP peer of another type.

If you are adding TIMC as a trusted SIP peer, you must remove all default type SIP peers that are trusted by the server.

If you are adding default type SIP peers, you must remove TIMC SIP peers trusted by the server.

If you need to support calls from both types of SIP peers, you must have at least one computer running Speech Server to exclusively accept calls for each type.

For more information, see How to: Add or Remove a Trusted SIP Peer

Secure RTP cannot be used with TIMC. Applications on the target server will be configured to no longer use Secure RTP.

TIMC does not use Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) or Secure RTP for audio connections. This message occurs when TIMC is added as a trusted SIP peer to a computer running Speech Server that is hosting applications specified to use Secure RTP for audio connections.

The applications are automatically reconfigured to deactivate the Secure RTP setting.

If this is the intended effect, no action is necessary.

If not, remove TIMC as a trusted SIP peer and reset the Secure RTP setting for the applications hosted on the computer running Speech Server.

For more information, see How to: Add or Remove a Trusted SIP Peer and How to: Configure an Application for Secure RTP Communications.

The certificate did not match the required criteria. Consult the documentation for the criteria that a valid TLS certificate for Speech Server must satisfy.

The certificate used for secure communications with SIP peers is no longer valid. This message appears when you apply server properties and the previously specified certificate has expired or no longer matches the required criteria for Speech Server.

For more information about certificate requirements and the procedure for selecting certificates, see How to: Set Up a Certificate for Secure SIP Peer Communication.

The format of the path specified for the working files location is not correct. Relative or network paths are not allowed. System environment variables can be used.

The specified path in Working files location is invalid. This message appears when you apply server properties and the path specified in Working files location is a relative path or a path to a remote computer. The value specified in this field must be a local path.

Specify a local path for Working files location. You can use a system environment variable as long as it resolves to a local path.

The message queue must have a unique name different from the message queues for other applications on the server. Enter a valid message queue on the local machine.

One of the applications on the computer running Speech Server is already using the message queue specified in the application properties. Each application on a computer running Speech Server must have a unique message queue.

If you need to create and configure a new message queue, see Support for Outbound-Calling Applications.

If you need more information about specifying a message queue for an application, see How to: Configure an Outbound-Calling Application to Use a Notification Message Queue.

The MSSLogTask scheduled task could not be found.

Speech Server trace logging depends on a scheduled task called MSSLogTask. You cannot use trace logging if MSSLogTask cannot be found.

To recreate the MSSLogTask scheduled task on the computer raising the error:

  1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, click Scheduled Tasks, and then click Add Scheduled Task.
  2. In the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.
  3. Click Browse, go to the Administrative Tools\Scripts directory in the Speech Server installation directory, and then double-click UpdateLogging.vbs.
  4. Type MSSLogTask, click Daily, and then click Next.
  5. In Start time, enter 12:00 AM, select Every Day under Perform this task, and then click Next.
  6. In the Enter the User Name box, type NT Authority\System, and then click Finish.
  7. Open the Speech Server Administrator console.
  8. Open the server properties for the computer running Speech Server raising the error.
  9. Click the Trace Logging tab, clear the Enable trace logging check box, and then click Apply.
  10. Select the Enable trace logging check box, and then click Apply.

For more information, see UpdateLogging.vbs.

Unable to locate the Speech Server administrative settings on the target computer. Ensure that you have entered the correct computer name or reinstall Speech Server Administrative Tools on the target computer.

When you connect to another administrative computer, the Speech Server Administrator console attempts to access the WMI repository on the specified computer. This message appears when it cannot be found. This condition can be caused by network problems, an incorrectly specified computer name, or the absence of the Administrative Tools on the specified computer.

Check the computer name for accuracy and make sure you have network connectivity to the specified computer.

If necessary, check for the presences of the Speech Server WMI namespace (\root\MSSV2) on the computer. If the namespace is not available, reinstall the Speech Server Administrative Tools. For more information, see How to: Install Administrative Tools.