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How to: View Session Data

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Use session views to investigate dialog flow within sessions and to get a broad overview of session-level characteristics of calls to Speech Server.

Viewing Session Data

To view session data

  1. Open Analytics and Tuning Studio.

    For more information, see How to: Start Analytics and Tuning Studio.

  2. In the Tuning Filters pane, select desired parameters, and then enter the appropriate filter values.

  3. At the top of the Tuning Filters pane, select Session list or Session details in the View box.

    For more information, see Session List View or Session Detail View.

  4. To refresh the view, click Refresh Data on the Analytics and Tuning Studio toolbar.

Selecting Sessions Likely from the Same Caller

To select sessions with the same ANI (in other words, calls likely to be from the same caller and to the same application within three days), add the following to the Custom session SQL filter:

IN ( SELECT B.SessionInstanceId
FROM SessionInfo AS A INNER JOIN SessionInfo AS B
ON A.SourceDeviceNumber = B.SourceDeviceNumber   -- The SourceDeviceNumbers must match
AND A.ApplicationID = B.ApplicationID   -- The sessions must be for the same application
AND A.SessionInstanceId <> B.SessionInstanceID   -- Session A is a different session to session B
AND A.TimeStamp <= B.TimeStamp   -- Session A must have occured before session B
AND (B.TimeStamp - A.TimeStamp) < 3   -- Session A must have occurred within 3 days before B

Finding Sessions Containing Particular ApplicationDataEvent Properties

To query on sessions that contain particular ApplicationDataEvent properties, add the following to the Custom session SQL****filter:

SessionInstanceId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(ADI.SessionInstanceId) 
FROM ApplicationDataInfo AS ADI 
WHERE ADI.Class = `[class]' 
AND ADI.SubClass = '[subclass]'
AND ADI.Data = `[data]')

where [class] is a string with the value logged in the Class property, [subclass] is the value logged in the Subclass property, and [data] is the value logged in the Data property.

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Application Analysis and Tuning
Speech Application Data Analysis
Speech Recognition Tuning