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How to: Copy Speech Server Settings to All Computers in a Deployment Group

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To keep all computers running Speech Server in a deployment group consistently configured, you can copy Speech Server settings from one computer to the other computers in the group. You can choose to copy any of the following settings from the source computer:

  • Server settings - Nearly all the source computer's server settings, including the server properties configurable in the Administrator console and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) properties in the MSS and LogSettings classes that are not exposed in the Administrator console. For information about unexposed properties, see Speech Server WMI Classes.

  • Application settings - All the settings for applications deployed on the source computer.

  • Trusted SIP peer settings - All the settings for SIP peers trusted by the source computer.


    When you choose to copy application or trusted SIP peer settings, the existing applications and trusted SIP peers on the target computer are removed. Speech Server generates a backup copy of the existing settings on each target computer before overwriting the values. If you need to revert to the previous settings, you can restore the settings manually from the Administrator console. For more information, see How to: Save or Load Speech Server Settings.

The following server settings are not replicated, because they are typically unique for each computer:

  • The Audio Connection IP address (the AudioConnectionIP property)

  • The certificate number and Issuer used for Mutual TLS (the TLSCertNumber and TLSCertIssuerName properties)

  • The installation directory (the InstallDir property)


    Speech Server maintains only one backup settings file for each computer. Each time you copy settings to a computer, Speech Server replaces the existing backup file with a new one.

Before overwriting settings on the target computers, Speech Server checks to ensure that all settings are valid on all computers. Settings that include local path names are not valid if those paths do not exist on a target computer. For example, the source computer might have a setting that includes drive letter G in the path, which is invalid on target computers that do not have a G drive. When a problem is detected, Speech Server does not start the copy operation and settings are not changed on the target computers.


To avoid complications from settings that could be problematic on some computers, stop all servers in the group before copying new settings to them. When the new settings are copied, start and monitor the performance of each server to ensure each server is running correctly.

Copying Setting to Computers in a Deployment Group

To copy settings to all computers in a deployment group

  1. Open the Speech Server Administrator console.

    For more information, see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the console tree, double-click Speech Server, double-click the applicable group, and then click Servers.

  3. In the details pane, stop all the computers in the group.

    For more information, see How to: Start and Stop Speech Server.

  4. Right-click the computer with the settings you want to copy, point to All Tasks, and then click Copy Server Settings.

  5. In the Copy Server Settings box, select the applicable properties that you want to copy:

    • Server
    • Application
    • Trusted SIP peer
  6. Document where the backup copy of settings for each computer is saved, and then click OK in the confirmation box.

  7. When the settings are copied to all the computers in the deployment group, click OK to confirm.

  8. Restart and monitor each computer in the deployment group to ensure they are running correctly.

See Also


How to: Save or Load Speech Server Settings

Other Resources

Speech Server Settings