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Speech Prompt Editor

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Use Speech Prompt Editor to create, record, and manage prompts in speech applications created with Speech Server.

Speech Prompt Editor Overview

Use Speech Prompt Editor to create and maintain every aspect of a prompt database:

  • Create transcriptions
  • Record audio data for each transcription
  • Edit audio data
  • Create extractions
  • Tune word alignments

Speech Prompt Editor consists of two panes:

  • The Transcription pane (top)
  • The Extraction pane (bottom)

Use the Transcription and Extraction panes to enter transcriptions for prompt recordings, to create word and phrase components that are built into prompt sentences, and to record prompts. Transcriptions are the texts that users read to create recorded prompts.

The Recording Tool enables prompt transcriptions to be recorded as .wav files and stored in a prompt database. The Recording Tool is activated by clicking the red recording ball on the Prompt Editor toolbar.

In Visual Studio 2005, opening any file with the .promptdb file name extension in Solution Explorer activates Speech Prompt Editor.

See Also


How to: Record Transcriptions

Other Resources

Develop Prompts with Speech Prompt Tools