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Speech Server Reports for Use with SQL Server Reporting Services

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Use Speech Server Reports to view Speech Server tuning data through report pages defined in Report Definition Language (RDL). RDL is an easily customizable format supported by Microsoft SQL??Server Reporting Services and other commercial reporting products. For more information about RDL, see Report Definition Language.

Report Content

Speech Server provides the following five RDL reports.

Sessions Report (SessionReportsView.rdl)

Use the Sessions report to see general information about the frequency and characteristics of calls to a Speech Server application.

Sessions Filters

Filter Description

Time of session

Limit the query to a period in which the call was answered.


Query only the data associated with a specific application name.


Query only the data associated with calls that have caller ID matching the complete or partial value in this field.


Query only the set of sessions matching the selected language.


Query only the data associated with calls that have a dialed number matching the complete or partial value in this field.

Session Volume Report

For more information, see Session Reports View.

Session Ending Report

For more information, see Session Reports View.

Session Shape Report

For more information, see Session Reports View.

Tasks Report (TaskReportsView.rdl)

Use the Task Reports view to see summary information about tasks in calls to a Speech Server application. In Speech Server, a task is a module defined by the author using the SpeechSequenceActivity class. The application can set the completion status of this activity to represent the accomplishment of a user goal. Use Task reports to determine the success of the voice user interface in terms of user task completion rates.

Tasks Filters

Tasks filters include the filters provided for the Sessions report, described earlier in this topic, plus the filters in the following table.

Filter Description

Task Name

Limit the query to tasks with a specific name.

Task Status

Limit the query to tasks with a specific task completion status. The available statuses include all those listed in the database, not just the set returned by the current filters.

Task Volume Report

For more information, see Task Reports View.

Task Ending Report

For more information, see Task Reports View.

Task Shape Report

For more information, see Task Reports View.

Turns Report (TurnReportsView.rdl)

Use the Turns report to see general turn usage statistics. A turn is an interaction between the system and a user and maps to a QuestionAnswerActivity, StatementActivity, or RecordAudioActivity activity. Typically, the interaction is a combination of prompt output and user input. Use turn data for detailed analysis of tuning issues identified in session and task views.

Turn Overview Filters

Turn Overview filters are identical to the filters provided for the Tasks report, plus a Turn Name filter, which limits the query to the data set of a particular turn name. Multiple selections are possible, resulting in an OR query.

Turn Volume Report

For more information, see Turn Reports View.

Turn Shape Report

For more information, see Turn Reports View.

Turn Disposition Report

For more information, see Turn Reports View.

Speech Input Report

For more information, see Turn Reports View.

Servers Report (ServerReportsView.rdl)

Use the Servers report to see general information about server use.

Servers Filters

Servers filters are identical to the filters provided for the Sessions report.

Machine Volume Report

For more information, see Server Reports View.

Maximum Concurrent Sessions Report

For more information, see Server Reports View.

Errors Report (ErrorReportsView.rdl)

Use the Errors report to view general information about the frequency of errors.

Errors Filters

Errors filters are identical to the filters provided for the Sessions report.

Error Counts

For more information, see Error Reports View.

Deploying RDL Reports

For information about deploying RDL reports, see How to: Set Deployment Properties (Report Designer).

Customizing and Extending RDL Reports

For information about customizing and extending RDL reports, see Ways to Create a Report.

See Also

Other Resources

Speech Application Data Analysis
Speech Application Analysis and Tuning