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Name Element

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The name of the project, calendar, calendar exception, effective work week, resource, or task.

  String(512): for Project, Exception, or WorkWeek; 
  String(255): for Calendar, Resource, or Task

Parent Elements

ProjectCalendar, Exception, WorkWeekResourceTask


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 1

Text Value

A text value of type string is required. The text value may not exceed 512 characters for the Project , Exception, or WorkWeek elements, or 255 characters for other parent elements.


The following example uses the Name element to indicate that the calendar exception is named New Year's Day.

  <Name>New Year's Day</Name>

See Also


Project Elements and XML Structure

XML Schema for the Project Element

Task Elements and XML Structure

XML Schema for the Tasks Element

Resource Elements and XML Structure

XML Schema for the Resources Element

Calendar Elements and XML Structure

XML Schema for the Calendars Element