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An ENTRYID structure plus a byte count that specifies the size of the ENTRYID structure.
Header file: |
Mapidefs.h |
Related macros: |
typedef struct
Count of bytes in the abEntry member.abEntry
The complete entry identifier that includes the array of flags and binary data.
A FLATENTRY structure resembles an ENTRYID structure. However, there are some differences:
A FLATENTRY structure stores the size of the entry identifier; ENTRYID does not.
A FLATENTRY structure stores the flag data together with the rest of the entry identifier; ENTRYID stores them separately.
A FLATENTRY structure is used to store an entry identifier in a file or pass it in a stream of bytes whereas an ENTRYID structure is used by the IMAPIProp interface methods and by the following OpenEntry methods: IABLogon::OpenEntry, IAddrBook::OpenEntry, IMAPIContainer::OpenEntry, IMAPISession::OpenEntry, IMAPISupport::OpenEntry, IMsgStore::OpenEntry, IMSLogon::OpenEntry
A FLATENTRY structure is used to store an entry identifier in a file or pass it in a stream of bytes. An ENTRYID structure is used to store an entry identifier on disk.