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Optional Report Message Properties

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The following properties sometimes appear with report messages:

Table Title



PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE (PidTagOriginalAuthorAddressType)

Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the entry identifier of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.

PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME (PidTagOriginalAuthorName)

Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the search key of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.

PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE (PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingAddressType)

Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.


Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.


Contains the entry identifier of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.


Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.


Contains the search key of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.

PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE (PidTagOriginalSenderAddressType)

Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the entry identifier of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.

PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME (PidTagOriginalSenderName)

Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.


Contains the search key for the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before it is forwarded or replied to.