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Modèle : manifeste de solution (Oir.config)

Dernière modification : lundi 19 avril 2010

S’applique à : SharePoint Server 2010

Le modèle suivant est un modèle Oir.config qui peut être utilisé pour créer un fichier manifeste de solution. Ce fichier vous permet de décrire l’interface utilisateur, le comportement et la logique métier associés à un type d’élément Microsoft Outlook tel qu’un contact, une tâche, une publication ou un rendez-vous Outlook. Par exemple, pour un élément Outlook de type Contact, vous pouvez préciser d’utiliser une interface utilisateur particulière (par exemple, une partie externe à Office) et d’appeler une méthode spécifique du système externe (par exemple, UpdateCustomerInstance(ID, NewInstanceValues)) lorsqu’un élément est modifié. Ce modèle, qui contient uniquement les paramètres de base, peut être étendu de manière à inclure des zones de formulaire personnalisées, des dispositions, des actions, etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SolutionDefinition xmlns:Declarative="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsl="">
  <!-- SolutionID is the identifier for this solution and must be unique among other solutions installed on the user's machine. This can be a GUID. The solution ID may be used to locate in the log errors and warnings pertaining to this solution. -->
  <!-- SolutionDisplayName is displayed in the Outlook user interface. -->
  <SolutionSettings SolutionId="EnterSolutionID" SolutionDisplayName="EnterSolutionDisplayName" SolutionVersion=""/>
    <!-- ItemType can be OutlookContact, OutlookAppointment, OutlookTask, OutlookPost, or EntityView. -->
    <!-- Group the External Content Types in your solution by the ItemType. Then, for each ItemType in your solution, define a ContextDefinitionGroup. -->
    <!-- If there are external content types that need to be displayed in the context of a task pane only, use EntityView. It is used for showing related information in the Outlook task pane. -->
    <ContextDefinitionGroup xsl:type="Declarative:DeclarativeContextDefinitionGroup" ItemType="EnterItemType" >
      <!-- ContentType is the type name of this context in Outlook. The value that you specify here is used by the BCS runtime to identify which context the Outlook item belongs to. -->
      <!-- This must be unique among other solutions installed on the user's machine.-->
      <!-- ContentType can be the same as the External Content Type name but it does not have to be. You can use your own naming convention. -->
      <ContextDefinition xsl:type="Declarative:DeclarativeContextDefinition" ContentType="EnterContentType">
          <!-- Note that a ContextDefinition maps to one external content type. The Entities element can have only one Enitty definition. -->
          <!-- You can have only one entity under a ContextDefinition. If you have more than one entity, use multiple ContextDefinitions and ContextDefinitionGroups as needed. -->
          <!—Now, for the external content type that maps to this ContextDefiniton, list what fields you are interested in. You might need to reference the BDC Model when filling this section. -->
          <Entity Name="EnterUniqueNameForEntity" EntityTypeName="EnterEntityNameFromModel" EntityTypeNamespace="EnterEntityNamespaceNameFromModel" Description="EnterDescription">
            <View Name="EnterUniqueNameForView" ViewName="EnterSpecificFinderInstanceNameFromModel" Description="EnterDescription" IsPrimary="true">
              <PromotedProperty Name="EnterUniqueNameForProperty" ViewInstancePath="EnterTypeDescriptorNameFromModel" OfficeItemPropertyName="EnterUniqueNameForProperty" ReadOnly="EntertrueORfalse" />
             <!-- List each field that is returned by the SpecificFinder that you are interested in showing in Outlook.  -->
        <!-- In OutlookItemCustomizations, specify how those fields should appear in Outlook and what other customizations you need in Outlook. -->
        <!-- MessageClass is used to identify the form that should be used to display the item. It follows the format: IPM.<OutlookItemType>.<ContentTypeName>. Example: IPM.Contact.Customer -->
        <!-- ItemDisplayName is displayed in the Outlook user interface. -->
        <OfficeItemCustomizations xsl:type="OutlookItemCustomizations" ItemTypeDisplayName="EnterItemTypeDisplayName" MessageClass="EnterMessageClass">
            <-- The OfficeItemProperty element is used to describe how each field of an external content type is displayed in Outlook. -->
            <!-- List each property from the Entity section that can be mapped to a default Outlook property. For the supported Outlook properties, see this topic. -->
            <!-- For a list of supported data types, see this topic. -->
            <!-- Properties that cannot be mapped to a default Outlook property still need to be listed and their data types should be specified. -->
            <OfficeItemProperty Name="EnterOfficeItemPropertyNameFromEntitySection" PropertyName="EnterOutlookPropertyName" PropertyType="EnterPropertyType" />
          <!-- The properties that cannot be mapped to Outlook properties are displayed by Outlook in a separate form region or in an adjoining form region. -->
          <!-- AutoGenerate = "true" tells BCS to auto-generate Outlook forms. -->
          <FormRegions xsl:type="Declarative:DeclarativeFormRegions" AutoGenerate="true"></FormRegions>
          <-- In the OutlookFolder element, describe the Outlook folder that will contain the external data.-->
          <OutlookFolder Name="EnterNameForFolder" FolderDisplayName="EnterDisplayNameForFolder" NativeType="FolderContacts" SubscriptionName="EnterSubscriptionName" FolderName="EnterOutlookFolderName" CanCreate="EntertrueORfalse" CanUpdate="EntertrueORfalse" CanDelete="EntertrueORfalse">
            <Views />
            <Associations />