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I_IrmPolicyInfo Class

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Represents the rights management metadata that an autonomous Information Rights Management (IRM) protector can access to manage file right.

I_IrmPolicyInfo: public IUnknown


When Windows SharePoint Services calls the I_IrmProtector.HrProtect Method and I_IrmProtector.HrUnprotect Method methods of the I_IrmProtector Interface, it includes a reference to an I_PolicyInfo object. This object represents the rights management metadata that is needed for an autonomous IRM protector to encrypt and decrypt rights-managed files. This includes:

  • The GUID and URL of the document library that the requested file is from.

  • The email address of the user requesting the file, and a rights mask specifying the rights which that user has to the file.

  • The title and description of the document library’s IRM policy.

  • The number of days that the user should have access to the file.

For autonomous protectors, you must implement the I_IrmProtector.HrProtect Method method so that it configures and executes the entire rights management process. It is the responsibility of the autonomous protector to translate this data into data that an IRM-aware client application can consume.

For more information on autonomous IRM protectors, see Custom IRM Protectors.

See Also


I_IrmProtector Interface


Information Rights Management in Windows SharePoint Services Overview

Custom IRM Protectors