URL Protocol
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
The following table lists the Windows SharePoint Services RPC Protocol methods that can be used in URL protocol to make HTTP GET requests. For more information about a specific method, click the command to see the related RPC method topic.
Command (Cmd=) |
Description |
Parameters |
Opens a view of the document libraries within a site, of a specific document library, or of a folder within a document library that is used in a dialog box for opening or saving files; or opens the property form that is used when saving a file. |
dialogview, location, FileDialogFilterValue |
Runs a database query against the list specified by a GUID and returns XML or HTML. |
List, XMLDATA, View, Query, Using, CacheControl, ID |
Exports in CAML format the schema of the list specified by a GUID. |
List |
Requests the XML schema for a Web site. |
SiteTemplate |
Returns information about the usage of a Web site. |
BlobType |
Generates a hit on a page containing a hit counter. |
Page, Image, Custom, Digits |
Requests the contents of a view for the list specified by a GUID. |
List, View, URLBase |
The following parameters can also be used in the protocol:
FileDialogFilterValue to set filters for a view and to return the list of all files of a specified type from a document library according to file name extension (for example, *.doc, *.ppt, or *.xls).
FilterFieldn to specify the name of a field in the database, where n is an integer that is limited only by the number of fields allowed in the database table or by the length allowed for the URL field.
FilterValuen to specify the string value on which to filter a field, where n is an integer that is limited only by the length allowed for the URL field.
SortField to specify the name of the field on which to sort.
SortDir to indicate an ascending (asc) or descending (desc) sort order.
Using to specify the relative URL of a virtual file used in exporting an item or list, which can be one of the following values: vcard.vcf, event.ics, query.iqy, or query.bqy.
Using the URL Protocol
Embedding a request in a URL is a basic mechanism for issuing a method and its parameters to a server running Windows SharePoint Services. The syntax for using this mechanism is as follows:
The following example exports the schema of the list specified by a GUID:
This example displays the Discussions list as a CAML file:
The next example exports the Discussions list to a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Note that the GUID for the associated view must be assigned to the View parameter.
For information about how to use URL protocol to post requests, see How to: Post Windows SharePoint Services RPC Methods.