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Propriétés Query (Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query)

Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique Application
Gets the application name for the query request.
Propriété publique AuthenticationType
Gets or sets the authentication type for the query.
Propriété publique Culture
Gets or sets the locale for the query.
Propriété publique EnableStemming
Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether stemming is enabled.
Propriété publique HighlightedSentenceCount
Gets or sets the number of sentences to include in the hit-highlighted summary.
Propriété publique Hint
Gets or sets a value that specifies xxx
Propriété publique IgnoreAllNoiseQuery
Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the search query should execute if the query text contains only noise words.
Propriété publique KeywordInclusion
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the query returns results that contain all or any of the specified search terms.
Propriété publique QueryText
Gets or sets the text for the search query.
Propriété publique ResultTypes
Gets or sets a value that specifies the search result type.
Propriété publique RowLimit
Gets or sets the maximum number of rows returned in the search results.
Propriété publique Sid  
Propriété publique Site  
Propriété publique SiteContext
Gets or sets the site URL for the search query.
Propriété publique StartRow
Gets or sets first row included in the search results.
Propriété publique Timeout
Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the query request times out.
Propriété publique TotalRowsExactMinimum  
Propriété publique TrimDuplicates
Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether duplicate items should be removed from the search results.
Propriété publique UrlZone
Gets the originating URL zone for the query request.

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Query, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query, espace de noms