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Membres SPBackupRestoreConsole (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup)

Provides static methods for running and managing backup and restore operations.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPBackupRestoreConsole .

Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique Statique CurrentItem The place number, in the sequence of components that are part of the current operation, of the component currently being backed up or restored.
Propriété publique Statique CurrentlyRunning Gets an object that represents the currently running backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique Statique CurrentPhase Gets a value that indicates the current phase of the backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique Statique CurrentTotalItems The number of components being backed up or restored in the current operation.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique Statique Abort Cancels the backup or restore operation with the specified ID.
Méthode publique Statique CreateBackupRestore Creates a backup or restore operation and assigns it an ID.
Méthode publique Statique DatabaseExists Gets a value that indicates whether the specified database exists on the specified server and can be read by the specified user.
Méthode publique Statique DiskSize Gets (as out parameters) the total disk space on a volume and the amount of that space that is available to the user.
Méthode publique Statique DiskSizeRequired Surchargé. Gets the amount of disk space needed for the specified backup operation.
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique FindItems Gets the specified Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 components from the specified backup or restore operation.
Méthode publique Statique FormatTree Gets a tree view of the hierarchy of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 components in the backup or restore operation down to the level of the content databases.
Méthode publique Statique Get Gets the operation (represented by a SPBackupRestoreConsoleObject) with the specified ID.
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique GetHistory Surchargé. Gets a list of all backup and restore operations made to (or from) the specified location.
Méthode publique Statique GetRestoreRenameList Creates, from the specified component and its children, a collection of restorable components that can be renamed when restored.
Méthode publique Statique GetRoot Gets the root component of the tree of components that are being backed up or restored in the operation that is identified by the specified Guid.
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique GetUserNamePasswordList Gets a collection of all the components in the backup or restore operation that require a username and password.
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique Remove Removes an item from the internal collection of backup and restore operations.
Méthode publique Statique RequiresRename Gets a value that indicates whether a restore operation's method is creating a new copy of the backed up components (in which case the components must be renamed) or is overwriting an existing version.
Méthode publique Statique Run Launches a backup or restore operation for the specified component.
Méthode publique Statique SetActive Sets the specified operation as the current operation.
Méthode publique Statique SetOnlyBackupRestoreItem Specifies that only the specified component and its children will be the backed up or restored.
Méthode publique ToString  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique UsingNetworkServices Gets a value that indicates whether the backup or restore operation uses the Network Service account.

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)

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Voir aussi


SPBackupRestoreConsole, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup, espace de noms