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Project.QueueCheckInProject - Méthode

Archive le projet spécifié.

Espace de noms :  WebSvcProject
Assembly :  ProjectServerServices (dans ProjectServerServices.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "",  _
    ResponseNamespace := "",  _
    Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub QueueCheckInProject ( _
    jobUid As Guid, _
    projectUid As Guid, _
    force As Boolean, _
    sessionUid As Guid, _
    sessionDescription As String _
Dim instance As Project
Dim jobUid As Guid
Dim projectUid As Guid
Dim force As Boolean
Dim sessionUid As Guid
Dim sessionDescription As String

instance.QueueCheckInProject(jobUid, _
    projectUid, force, sessionUid, sessionDescription)
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "", 
    ResponseNamespace = "", 
    Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void QueueCheckInProject(
    Guid jobUid,
    Guid projectUid,
    bool force,
    Guid sessionUid,
    string sessionDescription


  • jobUid
    Type : System.Guid

    Le GUID de la tâche de file d'attente.

  • force
    Type : System.Boolean

    Si true, un administrateur ou le propriétaire du projet peut forcer l'archivage du projet.

  • sessionUid
    Type : System.Guid

    Le GUID de la session dans laquelle le travail en file d'attente est envoyé.

  • sessionDescription
    Type : System.String

    Description de la session.


QueueCheckInProject est une méthode asynchrone qui envoie un message vers le Service de mise en attente de Project Server. QueueCheckInProject force une opération de planification si des modifications sont apportées à la base de données.

Autorisations Project Server




Permet à un utilisateur d'enregistrer le projet spécifié. Autorisation de catégorie.


Un administrateur doit avoir l'autorisation globale gérer les compléments Archiver pour archiver les projets d'un autre utilisateur.


L'exemple suivant crée un exemple de projet à utiliser, extrait le projet, ajoute une nouvelle tâche, puis consigne dans le projet.

Pour plus d'informations sur l'exécution de cet exemple de code critiques, voir Prerequisites for Reference Code Samples.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Threading;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.QueueCheckInProject
   class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
            const string PROJECT_SERVER_URI = "https://ServerName/ProjectServerName/";
            const string PROJECT_SERVICE_PATH = "_vti_bin/psi/project.asmx";
            const string QUEUESYSTEM_SERVICE_PATH = "_vti_bin/psi/queuesystem.asmx";
            const string SESSION_DESC = "Sample utility";

            Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid jobId;
            Guid projectId;

            // Set up the web service objects.
            SvcProject.Project projectSvc = new SvcProject.Project();

            SvcProject.ProjectDataSet projectDs = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet();

            projectSvc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q = new SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem();
            q.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

            // Create a sample project.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Sample project");
            projectId = CreateSampleProject(projectSvc, q);
            Console.WriteLine("Created " + projectId.ToString());
            // Check out the project.
            Console.WriteLine("Checking out Sample project");
            projectSvc.CheckOutProject(projectId, sessionId, SESSION_DESC);

            // Create a dataset to hold the new items.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating new data");
            SvcProject.ProjectDataSet newProjectData = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet();
            // Add a new task.
            SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow newTask = newProjectData.Task.NewTaskRow();
            newTask.PROJ_UID = projectId;
            newTask.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
            // The Task Duration format must be specified.
            newTask.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
            newTask.TASK_DUR = 4800;  // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
            newTask.TASK_NAME = "An added Task";

            // Add to the project by using the current sessionID.
            Console.WriteLine("Adding new data");
            jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
            projectSvc.QueueAddToProject(jobId, sessionId, newProjectData, false);
            WaitForQueue(q, jobId);

            // Check in the project. 
            Console.WriteLine("Checking in the project");
            jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
            projectSvc.QueueCheckInProject(jobId, projectId, false, sessionId, SESSION_DESC);
            WaitForQueue(q, jobId);
         catch (SoapException ex)
            PSLibrary.PSClientError error = new PSLibrary.PSClientError(ex);
            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
            string errMess = "==============================\r\nError: \r\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
               errMess += "\n" + ex.Message.ToString() + "\r\n";
               errMess += "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSCLientError Output:\r\n \r\n";
               errMess += errors[i].ErrId.ToString() + "\n";

               for (int j = 0; j < errors[i].ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
                  errMess += "\r\n\t" + errors[i].ErrorAttributeNames()[j] + ": " + errors[i].ErrorAttributes[j];
               errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=');
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
         catch (WebException ex)
            string errMess = ex.Message.ToString() +
               "\n\nLog on, or check the Project Server Queuing Service";
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + errMess);
         catch (Exception ex)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nPress any key...");
      static private void WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q, Guid jobId)
         SvcQueueSystem.JobState jobState;
         const int QUEUE_WAIT_TIME = 2; // two seconds
         bool jobDone = false;
         string xmlError = string.Empty;
         int wait = 0;

         // Wait for the project to get through the queue.
         // Get the estimated wait time in seconds.
         wait = q.GetJobWaitTime(jobId);

         // Wait for it.
         Thread.Sleep(wait * 1000);
         // Wait until it is finished.

            // Get the job state.
            jobState = q.GetJobCompletionState(jobId, out xmlError);

            if (jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Success)
               jobDone = true;
               if (jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Unknown
               || jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Failed
               || jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.FailedNotBlocking
               || jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.CorrelationBlocked
               || jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Canceled)
                  // If the job failed, error out.
                  throw (new ApplicationException("Queue request failed \"" + jobState + "\" Job ID: " + jobId + ".\r\n" + xmlError));
                  Console.WriteLine("Job State: " + jobState + " Job ID: " + jobId);
                  Thread.Sleep(QUEUE_WAIT_TIME * 1000);
         while (!jobDone);
      static private Guid CreateSampleProject(SvcProject.Project projectSvc, SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q)
         SvcProject.ProjectDataSet projectDs = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet();
         Guid jobId;
         // Create the project.
         SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow projectRow = projectDs.Project.NewProjectRow();
         projectRow.PROJ_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
         projectRow.PROJ_NAME = "Its a wonderful project at " + 
            DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "") + " " + 
            DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString().Replace(":", "");
         projectRow.PROJ_TYPE = (int)PSLibrary.Project.ProjectType.Project;

         // Add some tasks.
         SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskOne = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
         taskOne.PROJ_UID = projectRow.PROJ_UID;
         taskOne.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
         // The Task Duration format must be specified.
         taskOne.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
         taskOne.TASK_DUR = 4800;  // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
         taskOne.TASK_NAME = "Task One";
         taskOne.TASK_START_DATE = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

         SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskTwo = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
         taskTwo.PROJ_UID = projectRow.PROJ_UID;
         taskTwo.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
         // The Task Duration format must be specified.
         taskTwo.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
         taskTwo.TASK_DUR = 4800;  // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
         taskTwo.TASK_NAME = "Task Two";
         taskTwo.TASK_START_DATE = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

         // Save the project to the database.
         jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
         projectSvc.QueueCreateProject(jobId, projectDs, false);
         WaitForQueue(q, jobId);
         return projectRow.PROJ_UID;

Voir aussi


Project classe

Project - Membres

WebSvcProject - Espace de noms