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EcmDocumentRouterRule - Classe

Représente une règle qui définit le comportement de routage de documents pour l'organisateur de contenu.

Hiérarchie d’héritage


Espace de noms :  Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository
Assembly :  Microsoft.Office.Policy (dans Microsoft.Office.Policy.dll)


Public Class EcmDocumentRouterRule
Dim instance As EcmDocumentRouterRule
public class EcmDocumentRouterRule


L'exemple de code suivant crée une règle pour organiser le « Contrat » type de contenu dans une bibliothèque de documents sur le site. Il illustre l'utilisation de l'API d'organisateur de contenu pour classer les documents sur le site.

using System;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using TaxonomyField = Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField;
using EcmDocumentRoutingWeb = Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository.EcmDocumentRoutingWeb;
using EcmDocumentRouterRule = Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository.EcmDocumentRouterRule;
using EcmDocumentRouter = Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository.EcmDocumentRouter;
using DocumentRouterAutoFolderSettings = Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository.DocumentRouterAutoFolderSettings;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServer.Samples
    class ContentOrganizerCodeSample
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to create a content organizer rule that organizes documents of the Contract content type to a document library within the site.
        /// Also exemplifies usage of content organizer API to organize documents in the site.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This code sample assumes that the site contains a content type called "Contract" derived from the Document content type.
        /// The Contract content type contains a required TaxonomyField called "Business Division" </remarks>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <see cref="SPContentType"/>
        /// <see cref="SPField.Required"/>
        /// <see cref="TaxonomyField"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">List did not exist in the site</exception>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Change http://SiteUrl to the absolute url of the content organizer enabled site where the custom router needs to be registered.
            const string absoluteSiteUrl = "http://SiteUrl";
            // Change Organize Documents to the desired name for the rule.
            const string ruleName = "Organize Documents";
            // Change "Sample rule to organize documents" to a description for the rule.
            const string ruleDescription = "Sample rule to organize documents";
            // Change My Documents to the desired library to which documents matching this rule should be organized.
            const string ruleLibraryName = "My Documents";
            // Change Contract to the name of the content type on which this rule should be based.
            const string ruleContentTypeName = "Contract";

            // Values for Condition on fields - See SPField class for more details
            // Set conditionFieldId with the serialized Guid, Id property of the SPField used in the condition
            const string conditionFieldId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
            // Set conditionFieldInternalName with the InternalName property of the SPField
            const string conditionFieldInternalName = "FieldInternalName";
            // Set conditionFieldTitle with the Title property of the SPField.
            const string conditionFieldTitle = "FieldTitle";
            // Set conditionOperator with the operator used to evaluate whether a document matches this rule. 
            // If conditionOperator is set to be a unary operator (IsEmpty or IsNotEmpty), it will be applied on the value of the condition field on the document.            
            const string conditionOperator = "Contains";
            // Set conditionFieldValue with the value used as an operand for "Op" if "Op" is a binary operator (Contains, Equal etc.,).
            const string conditionFieldValue = "Restaurant";

            // Values for automatic folder creation settings
            // Change Business Division to the name of the managed metadata field on which automatic folder creation is based.
            const string autoFolderPropertyName = "Business Division";
            // Replace with a format of your choice. Place holder %1 will be replaced by the name of the field and %2 will be replaced by the value of the field for the document.
            const string autoFolderNameFormat = "Contract %1 - %2";

            // An empty title indicates absence of conditions.
            string conditionXml = string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionFieldTitle) ?
                string.Empty :
                String.Format(@"<Condition Column=""{0}|{1}|{2}"" Operator=""{3}"" Value=""{4}"" />",
                conditionFieldId, conditionFieldInternalName, conditionFieldTitle,

            // The condition Xml can repeat 0-5 times depending on the number of conditions required for a document to match this rule.
            string conditionsXml = String.Format("<Conditions>{0}</Conditions>", conditionXml);

            using (SPSite contentOrganizerSiteCollection = new SPSite(absoluteSiteUrl))
                SPWeb contentOrganizerSite = contentOrganizerSiteCollection.OpenWeb();
                EcmDocumentRoutingWeb contentOrganizerSiteWrapper = new EcmDocumentRoutingWeb(contentOrganizerSite);

                // Ensure that the content type exists for this rule                
                SPContentType ruleContentType = contentOrganizerSite.ContentTypes[ruleContentTypeName];

                // Ensure that the final location exists for this rule.
                SPList ruleLibrary = contentOrganizerSite.Lists[ruleLibraryName];
                // Ensure that the final location contains the content type of the rule.
                if (ruleLibrary.ContentTypes.BestMatch(ruleContentType.Id) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                        "Ensure that the library {0} contains content type {1} before creating the rule",
                // Create a blank rule
                EcmDocumentRouterRule organizeDocument = new EcmDocumentRouterRule(contentOrganizerSite);
                // Configure the rule to specify conditions that match the rule and final location for documents matching this rule.
                organizeDocument.Name = ruleName;
                organizeDocument.Description = ruleDescription;
                // Configure the rule so that it will be evaluated on documents of "Contract" content type
                organizeDocument.ContentTypeString = ruleContentType.Name;
                organizeDocument.RouteToExternalLocation = false;
                // Set a priority for this rule which indicates the order in which rules are executed. This is a number between 0 and 9.
                organizeDocument.Priority = "2";
                // Specify where the documents that match this rule get saved to.
                // To route documents externally, the TargetPath value can be set to one of the SendTo connections configured for this web application or site subscription.
                // Example: organizeDocument.TargetPath = contentOrganizerSiteCollection.WebApplication.OfficialFileHosts[0];
                organizeDocument.TargetPath = ruleLibrary.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl;

                // Set the conditions string for this rule
                organizeDocument.ConditionsString = conditionsXml;
                // AutoFolder configuration: Optionally enable automatic folder creation for this rule based on a non-empty (required or boolean) field. 
                // Folders will be created for each unique value of this field in the TargethPath and documents will be saved here.

                // Ensure the SPField for the autofolder property
                TaxonomyField autoFolderField = ruleContentType.Fields[autoFolderPropertyName] as TaxonomyField;
                if (autoFolderField == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The field {0} is not a valid Taxonomy Field", autoFolderPropertyName));

                // Get a handle to the rule auto folder settings.
                DocumentRouterAutoFolderSettings autoFolderSettings = organizeDocument.AutoFolderSettings;
                // Configure AutoFolderSettings for this rule based on the "Business Division" Taxonomy field.                 
                autoFolderSettings.AutoFolderPropertyName = autoFolderField.Title;
                autoFolderSettings.AutoFolderPropertyInternalName = autoFolderField.InternalName;
                autoFolderSettings.AutoFolderPropertyId = autoFolderField.Id;
                // Term store Id required to get the value of the field from the document. Required for TaxonomyField types.
                autoFolderSettings.TaxTermStoreId = autoFolderField.SspId;
                // Set a format for the name of the folder. 
                autoFolderSettings.AutoFolderFolderNameFormat = autoFolderNameFormat;
                // Enabled automatic folder creation for values of the "Business Division" field.
                autoFolderSettings.Enabled = true;

                // Update the rule and commit changes.

Cohérence de thread

Tous les membres statique (Partagé dans Visual Basic)s publics de ce type sont thread-safe. Cela n’est pas garanti pour les membres d’instance.

Voir aussi


EcmDocumentRouterRule - Membres

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository - Espace de noms